
New Day Herald

From Passover to Resurrection 2001

Article imageThe Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness and Peace Theological Seminary offered a series of events over the Passover to Easter holidays. Here are highlights and photos from those wonderful events:

The Seder
Though bittersweet in some ways, Passover is really one of the joyous holidays. There is recollection of the hard times in Egypt and wandering through the desert, and celebration of God who liberated His people from bondage after visiting ten plagues on Pharaoh and his subjects. If there is one thing our spiritual family knows how to do it is celebrate God’s blessings. This year’s MSIA Seder at the Sheraton Universal Hotel hosted over four hundred people from around the country.

John-Roger and John Morton shared the primary roles of officiating, with the occasional assist from people like Richard Mitz and Jan Shepherd, who knew the actual pronunciation of the Hebrew prayers. (The Spirit of the prayers always came through, even if the letter of the prayers was slightly skewed.)

The Angel of Death did not pass over, however, as a group of men, (who I have come to think of as the Eleventh Plague) led by Howard Lawrence and Paul Kaye murdered the song En Keloheinu. Their rendition involved a variety of unknown melodies (often sung simultaneously and in different keys) and liberal interpretations of the pronunciation of words none of them had uttered, probably for many years, if not for lifetimes.

The Seder this year was held a few days later than the traditional date so that it could lead into the two-day workshop and the culminating Easter service on Santa Monica Beach. No one minded the diversion. The Spirit of the celebration was joyfully present.

The Passover to Resurrection Workshop

After the Thursday night Seder, over 200 of the guests took part in the Passover to Resurrection workshop on Friday and Saturday. The focus of the workshop was on identifying what held us in bondage and then transforming and releasing them. Themes of the exercises took us through trust and faith and sacrificing under grace, to choosing God and loving.

The highlights were, of course, the many sharings with the John-Roger and John Morton. It never ceases to amaze me when people experience undeniable transformation and liberation under the Traveler’s gentle guidance.

John-Roger Easter Eve Seminar

On Easter Eve, hundreds gathered at the Sheraton Universal Hotel and online on the internet for a seminar with John-Roger. This was the first time that MSIA broadcast a J-R seminar online, and approximately 400 people in 17 countries listened in on the internet. Jesus Garcia was the Master of Ceremonies, and he kept us entertained and in our hearts.

The evening included a baby blessing by John Morton for Gianna Loizzo, the latest addition to the Loizzo family.

An original song by our very own David Stern was performed, with beautiful vocals by Susie Basanda and oboe and flute accompaniment by Aaron Roos and Clair Smith Roos.

John-Roger gave a sweet and Spirit-filled seminar that enlivened those present in person and online. Lots of families and children filled the ballroom.

Online tech support staff, including Robert Peake, Paul Yurt, Randy Richard, Bill Gist, Jesus Becerra and Ross Goodell, sat at computers and phones in a small room at the hotel, providing technical assistance to those online participants who needed help listening online. It was an uplifting evening for all.

Easter Morning

There is just something special about Easter morning with the Traveler and his family (and the Easter Bunny, of course) on Santa Monica Beach.

This year the tone was set by MC Vincent Dupont, and further enhanced by the original music, first of Clea Rose and then of Bob Tackney (the Easter Bobby).

John Morton spoke, and his words were amplified by boom boxes placed around the perimeter of the gathering site so joggers, skate boarders and roller skaters could join in if they wanted to.

MSIA Easter morning is a time of generosity, with an abundance of food for anyone who comes by, and specially prepared meal bags so the homeless who abound in the area can take food away for later. One of the “small miracles” of our Easter celebration is that the City of Santa Monica allows us to bring propane griddles to the area for making pancakes. This is virtually never permitted, but after observing the spirit of the occasion for the past two years, the city virtually invited us to bring the apparatus so we could fulfill our plan. This is certainly a testament to the Traveler’s good works, and to the excellence with which they are carried out by the Heartfelt Foundation, Patti Rayner, and the myriad of volunteers who rally for the occasion.

Easter on the Beach is filled with the spirit of peace and fellowship and the joy that is the essence of this holiday. What a wonderful way to complete a process that extends from Passover to Resurrection.

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