
New Day Herald

John-Roger & John Morton Book Signing Success in Santa Monica, CA

Article imageThe Fred Segal conglomeration of booths and stores in Santa Monica, California, is not exactly the kind of place you might expect to find a book signing event. Especially for “An Inspirational Guide and Working Journal for Parents to Enrich the Spirit Within,” which is the sub-title of “Loving Each Day for Moms & Dads.” Nonetheless, that’s where probably 100+ people found themselves on May 5, squeezed into the nooks and crannies, between the designer candles and sophisticated gifts of the Zero Minus Plus store at Fred Segal.

No chairs were available in this busy emporium, so people stood shoulder to shoulder (and cheek to cheek) or sat on the carpeted floor as John Morton introduced his mentor and best friend, John-Roger. John said he would make a very few opening remarks and then turn J-R loose.

J-R, as usual, rose to the occasion, telling jokes (and berating the audience when they didn’t “get” them), and explaining how “Loving Each Day for Moms & Dads” was the latest in a whole series of Loving Each Day books to address specific themes. He pointed out these books were not to be read page by page in order, but pages were more to read at random.

Despite the heat and less than comfortable conditions, J-R held the crowd’s attention, even entertaining several questions about working with kids. After nearly an hour, the formal talk ended and a long line formed, snaking through the booths and store spaces at the upscale shop. J-R signed his book and John signed his “The Blessings Already Are book,” each taking a moment or more with each person in line.

Book signings of this sort tend to be festive occasions with good natured chatting among the people waiting in the lines for their moment to say hello to the authors. The owner of Zero Minus Plus store, Darrylynn Kaun, said she appreciated the gathering, not just for the sales, but because she liked the energy the people brought to the place. 332 books were sold with “Loving Each Day for Moms and Dads” being the run away best seller of the day.

What a nice testament to the author of a book titled Loving Each Day.

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