
New Day Herald

PAT X – Our Tenth Journey to Egypt & Israel

Article imageThis article is taken from a sharing about PAT X that John did at the IIWP Blessings Brunch on July 2, 2001

A number of people have talked to me recently and asked about the upcoming PAT X trip. It is very interesting to look at how that is working at this time. At this point it is like a horse race. It may transform into something different but we clearly are going to have some participating and others not. It is a very unusual situation. But I would certainly not try to decide that you are a good or bad person based on whether you go on PAT X.

Personally, I am very excited about what this is. I have been excited about PAT trips before. I recall J-R announcing the very first PAT trip to those of us working with him at the time saying, “I am going over to the Holy Land, taking some dedicated people.” In the way he was talking, I got he was really saying “dedicated people”, not necessarily those of us he was speaking to. I heard it as him saying “people” who are actually dedicated and really want to focus on spiritual upliftment and doing the work of transformation that would be going on there.

J-R talked about it – for me – in really powerful, amazing terms. I knew at the time I wanted to do whatever it took to be part of it. So I got involved. Recently, someone reminded me that J-R had said that the work we were doing on these trips might take as many as fifteen trips to complete. Here we are at ten. We’ve marked it. This is our tenth trip to Israel and Egypt, even though it is going to have a new focus.

I am relating to this as like going to Mount Everest. The way that kind of expedition works is there are many, many more support people who do not go to the summit that are still part of the trip, part of the support. There is already some kind of understanding amongst ourselves that this is the way this trip is going to be.

Perhaps we would all like to go and have the experience of the trip. Some may wonder how they could get the money or the time. For some people those are real issues. The way we are approaching this is that at some point a process of selection will be done. We already have some ideas about it. We will be taking many things into consideration, like if you have done Peace Awareness Trainings, Grace Retreat, aura balances, PTS Master’s or Doctoral Class – things that would prepare you. These things will be taken into consideration. They are preferences, but not requirements.

We have an understanding that participation on this trip is not necessarily about credentials. It is possible that someone could have every ‘credential’ and still not be selected. That is possible. We want to be open to this process being much more about, “This person is to go and not this person, not now.” We will just choose people based on something that will show that a particular person is to go. An interesting aspect to me, right now, is that the two people already selected were chosen by a raffle. I realized that maybe these people have not done any PAT trainings or aura balances and they just got a ticket. It could be that they are not even on Discourses. That is the way I was thinking. I am told that one person got their initiation and ordination the same day they won the raffle for a place on PAT X. I would say that day is going to be quite a day for that person! I am just glad that we are open to be in the Spirit of what this is rather than try to figure all this out through some methodology.

In a way, I would want everybody to go on PAT X because I have a sense this is going to be a great experience. Who knows – at least in the United States – if we will even be permitted to go there? It could be we get told that, because of conditions, U.S. citizens will not be permitted to travel over there. To me, that is certainly a possibility. I relate to us in some ways like the Red Cross. We are not necessarily going there to have a good time. We are saying this is a time for us to go.

I have had a really wonderful experience – like never before -of just how tight our community and family is. It is almost like we are not a church. We are more like a family or a club of some sort. I am recommending Hesse’s book “A Journey To The East” for this PAT trip. It was also recommended for the first PAT trip and it is a very symbolic, fictional story. In many ways, it relates to my experience that something big is happening here. Right now, that is the best way I know how to tell you about this. Something big is happening that is important, and it is coming down in a way that is highly unusual for us. Usually, these trips do not fill until just prior to going, or we anticipate a larger group like in 1995 when we did two trips back to back. We basically got everybody on the trips who wanted to go and could go.

So this one is different. And I hope you understand that in some way it is more like what I am talking about when I say that some of us will go and some of us will not. Right now, that appears to be the best way to do it.

I have seen many things before that do not necessarily come out in my words. There is often volumes that I see or hear inwardly when just a few words come out. Recently, one of the truths that appeared to me was the power we are building as a group to change the planet. We talk about the power of the Light, being Light Bearers, holding the Light, etc., and then we spend a lot of time dealing with our ten percent level and working that out. When we do sharings, even today, we are really talking a great deal about personal issues.

I was very aware of us as a group of people being chosen to do a very powerful spiritual work. It is not that we haven’t been doing that kind of thing in other trips. We really are a Light field or battery that is moving through a place, or series of places and whatever is there – culture, history and all sorts of things – we bless it. We literally bless it and hold the Light for that. My experience is that is what is really going on even if we don’t ever talk about it. We allow ourselves to place Light in these situations in a way that has not been done before.

We are allowing a spiritual Light energy to come onto the planet. And, it is arriving for the first time. I see it in a current. It is a flow and that flow has been placed on the planet long ago. What we are doing certainly is related to what was done at the time Jesus was on the planet. That is one relationship and there are many others who have been part of that flow from Spirit. But it has an order, and now it is time for this blessing and this presence to come upon the planet.

Some part of this can be seen so that it could be said to be predictable, like specific change or occurrences will be done at that time. Then there is another part that is done according to those on the planet who will receive it and call for it and transmit it. It is done because of that. I see us very much involved because we are willing to pray for these blessings and hold the Light consciousness.

It is understood that we all have our personal issues that we deal with. In a way, we are like volunteer firemen. We do not wear the fireman outfit all the time, but we are on call. If we hear the bell ringing or if we see a fire, we understand that is a calling to respond, to drop what we are doing in a personal way and become someone who puts out fires and takes people to safety. I look at what we are doing in that way. We are especially being called upon to bless a particular situation that is in that part of the world and to help with the balancing action and the placing of a new consciousness. It certainly is related to what is going on there.

Years ago, I was talking to someone who served and fought in the Israeli army. When it came to talking about the details of having been in battle – meaning people are attempting to kill and injure one another – he could not or chose not to speak about those details. On my end, it wasn’t about wanting to get the gory details of what he had seen or done or experienced. A question came from him, “What is this all about? Why in a supposedly evolved world where we have learned so much and have values about being at peace are we still having to do this battling and killing?” I said, “Well, those are your brothers. Have you forgotten that the Palestinians claim Abraham as their father? They look to Abraham as their father and the Israelis look to Abraham as their father. To me, it seems obvious that it is time to learn how to get along with your brothers.”

At that point, he really started defending and rebutting. “Well, you know, they are doing all these things and we have to defend ourselves. We have to have these measures in place because it is so dangerous…..” And so on. It was like a continuous series of justifications. I just listened for awhile and then said, “Look, you asked me the question and you have not changed what I see. You still need to learn how to get along with your brothers. These are your brothers. It does not matter if they are lying, or they are bastards, or you are the real inheritors of the line and this is ‘your’ Holy Land that God promised you. At any point in history that could be different because there was a time when it was the Palestinians’ land, or the Philistines’ land, or the Assyrians’ land, and at any given time that changes. You are just the current ones claiming it is yours and telling others to get out.”

I suggested a new type of relationship: “How about, it’s ours and it’s ours and it’s ours, including you. So let us find a way to share the land. If we actually learn to get along, we could be great business partners and allow other kinds of partnerships to develop. That does not mean we have to be like one another in every way and eat the same food, dress the same way, have the same customs or religious process. It just means we could learn how to get along.”

With PAT X, I see something in relation to having an opportunity at this time to change that and to step forward to do something about it. We have a disturbing situation on the planet. Rather than saying, “Well, that is not my problem and I did not create it,” have a sense of, “It does not matter how it got created or happened. Why don’t we do something to make it better? What is it we could do better?”

I see us as those who will give the spiritual forces a chance to anchor into that land and into that situation. I am sure there will be other things. There will be things that are very personal for people going on these trips, as it always is. You may even find that you were so loaded up with personal issues that you never had a chance to think about Israel or Palestine. That is understandable and that is not a problem.

Whether you are one who steps forward to participate on this PAT X or not please place this journey and all those involved in the Light so that the action of the Light that is to be placed can be done for the highest good of all concerned.

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