
New Day Herald

Gathering of Joyful Givers in Santa Monica & Online Worldwide

Article imageMSIA presented a “Gathering of Joyful Givers” evening with John-Roger and John Morton for regular tithers to MSIA. The evening took place in Santa Monica, California, and online on the Internet worldwide. The evening began with MSIA President Paul Kaye’s inimitable style of calling in the Light (and that cherubic smile). John Morton was presiding, and although J-R was not on stage in the ballroom, he was fully participating and his voice was heard in the ballroom and online.

John Morton opened with a question sent in via the Internet regarding Abundance. There were further questions about what seeding and tithing do, how to make more abundance come our way, and a particularly pithy question about what MSIA does with our tithes. (The answer was: The MSIA Presidency pays the bills, funds programs, and builds things like the labyrinth in the backyard of Prana.)

Further questions: Why do we tithe to the source of our spiritual teachings?

John responded that it is an opportunity to exercise our God-hood, acknowledging that we are co-creators with God, and giving back to our partnership with God. We give of the “first fruits”, or what is harvested NOW. We get a chance to see that 90% of what comes in is plenty, because God is going to give and give and give. J-R added that all joyful givers listening online could send Light for healing to the person who was asking a question regarding healing of the physical body, and thus join in the force field of all tithers. It would be a demonstration that we are in good standing with God.

Why do we have to constantly focus on abundance?

J-R said that God is our intention, and that we can make God our abundant focus, so that God will come and find us out in our future.

Do a husband and wife have to tithe separately?

John told us that a husband and wife share in all increases, and he gave an example from his own life. He and his wife, Laura Donnelley-Morton, see all increase as family increase; either of them can do tithing, which is a shared process; seeding, on the other hand, is a spontaneous action, and may not always be with the partner. He told a story about wanting to find lost articles, and seeding to “Sweet Jesus of the Lost and Found”, with which he and his family have had remarkable success. J-R added that using the word “REACH” could be useful in locating objects, saying it three times for three dimensions. With seeding, be available for the process of manifestation, ask in the Name, and do everything to participate in the seed.

Why do some people always seem to be in lack?

John stated that if we are afflicted with lack, that’s an indication that we are in school. MSIA teaches working it, and working at it, being each other’s keeper, assisting our brothers (and sisters) when they are in need. We cannot ignore what’s before us. It’s a case of forgive and be forgiven, share and share alike.

Can we seed for World Peace?

J-R spoke about seeding, saying that Seeding has to have an internal value of usability for the individual. So if the question is, “What can I do to help create World Peace?” he offered that, while it’s a worthy goal, world peace is not so personal and individual as one’s own individual peace is.

How can we get more steadiness of Faith?

J-R took the time to say that Faith is like oxygen. What do you do inside of you to trust air? Start breathing in and out. Practice as a long-distance runner or a singer would practice breathing. Steadiness is usable, and practical. Faith is as strong as breathing. When we have Faith, we are in God, and great is our day. John added that “Faithing” is an action, placing great trust in what is inside, regardless of whatever contradictory things appear outside.

How do I tithe on my 401K savings plan, to which my employer adds matching funds?

J-R’s response was that the funds are not yet in possession, so there is not yet an increase. The tithing begins when the 401K is withdrawn or cashed. However, if tithes are paid on the amount of cash going in, then the tithe is complete.

How can I encourage my children to grow up with a sense of God?

John talked about God being on one’s radar screen, even when there are no “blips”. God is on watch over the family, knowing and caring, protecting and aware, much like mothers and fathers are on watch over the family, taking turns watching. Parents can teach their children to be on the look-out for the presence of God; they can talk to their children about their prayers, what they’re watching for, and ask them, Are you watching for me?
J-R added that kids often say certain “naughty” words to get a rise out of their parents; he advised to ignore the behavior, give no response, and to later explain that those are not appropriate words. It isn’t necessary to participate in an argument.

How can we clarify the difference between business expansion and Greed?

J-R defined it thus: An Increase helps your family; Greed only helps you. And your heart knows the difference, as in “When you’ve done it to the least of these, you’ve done it to me.”

Is it okay to do tithing and seeding behind my husband’s back?

Both J-R and John recommended that she be willing to take the consequences that might arise when the husband finds out. Tithing is between the individual and God, but it may be better to explain to the husband, discuss it with him rather than take a physical beating for it. Show the husband that tithing and seeding really works, as goodness made manifest and abundant in each of us.

How can we stop negative reactions of fear and anger regarding the current press stories on biological and chemical warfare and how can I have more trust in God?

John responded with, first of all, security in this world is an illusion, or as his family used to say, “It’s always something.” We are prepared in MSIA for that great Initiation Day, with conscious awareness, not control, and still we can do our best to cooperate with this world, which is not our home. God put a paradise of potential, and a school in this world. There is no reason to join in with war-making, if we want to move to greater levels. Let’s learn what we can, learn who we are—that’s what overcomes this world. We each have the power of abundance and riches. This is a place where Spirit can do its work. Goodness is prevailing here, and in the hearts of the majority. Calamity is what makes news and gets attention. Be grateful that we are being sheltered. Say to yourself, “I am not going to have anthrax be the focus of my day.” Whistle while you work or while you struggle. The Traveler is a turning point, its process is Going to God, the best that can be found. Our concern should be, “What is my Soul telling me?” Let us locate the consciousness of our Soul, because It’s Not About This World.

I had no money worries when I was single, but now that I am married, I have money troubles. Do I have to?

J-R’s response was, when you marry you take on each other’s karma. Learn to sandpaper each other into the beauty of Spirit.

How can I have more access to my Spiritual Heart?

J-R said that the Spiritual Heart is a door into the Christ. Make yourself available to it. If you have an experience of darkness, of things not working for you, ask for the Light. The Light can reveal things. Turning from the Light is turning from the Spiritual Heart, and is NOT fun. J-R recommended to Go for the Fun.

I’ve been feeling guilty over wanting things in the physical world, and How do I get out of my own way?

J-R suggested, lovingly, not to let impatience get in the way of good works.

Regarding tithing, J-R said, Tithing is a give-away, like cutting the string on a kite. The kite may come back around as health and wealth. Seeding is different. When seeding for clarity, set up to receive things inside, not material things. Grow the enthusiasm for Soul Transcendence. John offered the example of going under water, and having difficulty getting the next breath. It becomes very intense, and he suggested that we go after Soul Transcendence like we go after getting that next breath — intensely. Let God reveal the next thing, watch intensely. Hold your breath, and feel the push to get the next breath. Enthusiasm means God’s energy, and God is Intention — intention to get air, which pulls one up from under water. It’s your enthusiasm mixed with God’s.
As a closing, everyone was given the opportunity to do a seeding, and John Morton did a meditation for clarity on the seeds, followed by a blessing on the seeds, that they all come to fruition.

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