
New Day Herald

A Spirit Filled Mexican Fiesta Fundraiser at Prana

Article imagePrana, MSIA’s headquarters, had a Mexican Fiesta fundraiser on November 3rd featuring authentic Mexican cuisine prepared by some very special ladies from the MSIA community in Chihuahua, Mexico. It was our first $1,000 per person Dinner and Q&A at Prana with John-Roger & John Morton.

I received a ticket to this fundraiser as a very special gift! This was very funny because I live and work at Prana. I was helping to create this event — then I put on a different hat and came as a guest.

Prana, our Italian-looking villa, can look very Mexican when you hang brightly colored paper Mexican “flags,” dress up the tables with colored table cloths–each table a different color–and place all sorts of other sweet colorful decorations around. Then, when you combine that spicy liveliness of the Mexican culture with the gentle loving, laid-back Mexican style, you get one happy, glowing, fun and LOVING party!

We had an abundantly decorated alter. This was in honor of the Mexican Festival of the Day of the Dead which happened to take place in Mexico the day before our fiesta. We decided to combine this alter with one of the tools of MSIA’s teachings. We chose a kind of free-form writing. The guests could write on a piece of paper anything they wanted to let go of and later the assistants would burn the pieces of paper. I guess it must have worked because a little accidental fire started during our meal causing all sorts of commotion. Luckily, nothing got burnt but some paper.

The “Cantina” (Mexican bar) was really something. We had virgin (no alcohol) margaritas that were the best! A traditional Mexican dance troupe added a lot of flare and joyful energy. There were servers directing our attention to an appetizer table filled with amazing culinary temptations.

We dined at elegantly “dressed” tables and had waiters dressed professionally, but with a Mexican touch. The waiters were actually ordinary MSIA folk, friends or Prana staff and residents, including the MSIA Presidents — Paul Kaye, Mark Lurie & Vincent Dupont. They did a really good job of serving the guests.

The meal was amazing. Gourmet Mexican food–not anything like what Mexican restaurants serve in the U.S. It was prepared by these amazing ladies — Cristina Legarreta, Ema Granados, Yoci Touche, Grisseile Munoz, and Luisa de Cruz — who flew here from Chihuhua, Mexico, at the request of a Traveler who asked them if they would come and do this dinner as a fundraiser for Prana. My understanding is they gave an “Of course, we’d be glad to,” casual response to a very major request.

Along with being our “chefs”, they brought ten suitcases across the border with virtually all of the decorations. They also brought special presents for our guests and volunteers. We could tell they put a lot of thought and preparation into these. Each gift had a special meaning. I personally felt Spirit jump out and greet me when I saw the gifts.

Cristina Legarreta, Ema Granados, Yoci Touche, Grisseile Munoz, and Luisa de Cruz brought more than food, decorations and gifts. They brought an incredible consciousness of service, qualities like: giving from the Christ inside; giving with smiles, with all your heart, with loving, with willingness; putting your mind to it, getting it done; being God’s partner; letting God do it, relaxing, getting out of the way; giving with a huge generosity so it’s overflowing with blessings for everyone and lots left over.

They made it seem so easy. Always smiling, gracious, sharing. How could they get so much done so easily? “Don’t worry. Relax,” they told us “Anglos” who wanted every detail planned and discussed. And, they did so much more than what we expected. Just like the Christ.

I kept being reminded of Christmas, with these ladies seeming a lot like the three wise men come bearing gifts for the Christ and Travelers! Our guests came bearing gifts, too, with many of them coming because of their loving for the John-Roger and John Morton — and a willingness to contribute one thousand dollars (a bargain!) to be there.

After that little fire got put out and we finished our several course meal, the Q&A started and I felt the Beloved and Christ energy come in and fill the room. It filled me. The sharings were inner and sacred. We focused on God and loving. We were in one accord.

J-R and John Morton took questions for hours. I think they’re the ones all along who’ve been demonstrating–with their participating–the meaning of giving with all your heart and Soul until the overflow touches each one so completely that no one person or thing is left untouched.

So, special thanks go to John-Roger, John Morton, our Chihuahua friends (and teachers), and to all who participated–our guests and volunteers.

May the magic & blessings continue. And may we continue to give back in the spirit of giving.

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