
New Day Herald

John Morton Shares Insights at the Q&A in July in Santa Monica and Worldwide on the Internet

Article imageThere were hot, humid, and sticky skies overhead in Santa Monica, unusual weather for Southern California, but over two hundred lovely Souls gathered in the Brentwood Ballroom at the 2101 Building on the afternoon of July 19th for a question and answer session with John Morton.

Mistress of Ceremonies, Janet Caminite, introduced herself and welcomed everyone in the room and on the World Wide Web to this John Morton Internet Broadcast Seminar. Janet explained that there was a concurrent Insight I Seminar taking place directly downstairs from the Ballroom, and she fondly recalled her own experiences with Insight. She graciously thanked John-Roger and John Morton for their dedication to the work of Spirit, and for continuing to offer these Internet broadcasts.

Janet offered a brief explanation of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA), and before the Ani-Hu chant, she called in the Light by reading John Morton’s Blessing of Rededication from his book, The Blessings Already Are.

Clea Rose then shared an enchanting original song called “Did You Know.”

Next, Janet introduced John Morton. John began his talk by acknowledging the two years of Internet Broadcasts, and the gifts and blessings that have come with them. He also talked a little about Insight, and that he was acting as Team Captain for the Insight I taking place downstairs. He stated that there is a new Board of Directors for Insight, and announced the upcoming Silver Jubilee — 25th Anniversary — of Insight, and the Jubilee Dinner which will take place on November 1st here in the Los Angeles area. He wanted Insight grads and alumni to know that Insight is alive, intact and improved, and that J-R would be joining the training on Sunday, July 20th.

Insight also has new offices in the 2101 Building. John spoke about the upcoming Insight Super II in which the participants will have a chance to go one-on-one with J-R, from August 13 through 17. The Super II is a fundraiser to accomplish some global work for Insight. He added that there will be no Super II in 2004, so this summer will be the opportunity to participate. He also mentioned the next Insight I, scheduled for September 25th through 30th. For more information about Insight, how to participate in these upcoming event, or to register, visit the Insight website at

Then John turned to the easel on the stage where there was a diagram from the Insight Seminar. As John talked, he described the experience of living from the Heart. He spoke at length about feelings not always being accurate, and how contraction is a denial of the heart. He emphasized that the only real security is in change, and being flexible with the Spirit. God is intention, and is in perfect order; personal responsibility and accountability are ways to co-operate with the will of God, which is entirely eternal and changing all the time.

Then the Question and Answer portion of the event began. From Texas, a woman asked, “How can we create, promote or allow better weather than the hurricane we have been experiencing?” From the Brentwood Ballroom, a man asked, “How can I let Spirit take over a situation in my life that is difficult to handle?” From Argentina, a man asked for the support of the Travelers, as Argentina’s Insight community goes through change. John recommended the book Momentum: Letting Love Lead, and repeating the phrase, “I Love This!” A gentleman in the Ballroom asked, “How can I be sure that the spiritual work I am doing is not coming from my ego?” John recommended observation, and keeping with the loving.

John closed the afternoon with “Baruch Bashan,” which means, The Blessings already are. He suggested that we open up to the eternal voice inside, and declare and claim the blessings.

Janet Caminite returned to the stage, and invited those on the Internet to give feedback on the broadcast. She announced that the next Internet Q&A Broadcast would take place on Tuesday, August 12th, at 7:30 pm. For more information on that event, go to

And John’s travel schedule this month will take him to Caracas, Venezuela, to Quito, Ecuador, and to Cali and Bogot

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