
New Day Herald

Timeless Wisdoms—Volume One

Article image Timeless Wisdoms is a new book by Dr. John-Roger, available now from MSIA. Its 73 chapter titles will be quickly recognizable by those who have studied with him over the years. Here is a small sampling from the book.

Get Your Own Experience
Faith and belief are nice, but they are no substitute for the knowledge based on your own experience, which validates your beingness. So prove to yourself what the Traveler tells you or forget it.

Putting a rain almanac on the wall and trying to squeeze rain out of it will never work, but some people take sacred scripture and try to squeeze Spirit out of it, and that doesn’t work either. We get water and food by the direct experience, not by any type of vicarious fulfillment; we also get spiritual essence by direct experience. You will know what I’m saying only when you experience it. The words can appeal to the intellect and may keep your mind happy. The words may also be worthless to you until you can use them to transcend the mind and step into higher consciousness.

Opinions Are Like Noses
Opinions are like noses: everybody has one. You wouldn’t live in someone’s nose, so why live in their opinion? Just because someone says something, this does not make it so. It is so only when it’s so inside of you, so check things out.

And don’t insist that other people live your opinion. Let them do things the way they want.

If It Works for You, Use It; If Not, Have the Wit to Let It Go
Those of us who work in the Light could be called scientists in that we test the information we receive to see if it will work. If it does work, we can use it. If it doesn’t work, we can let it go.

In MSIA, we move our consciousness. That’s why we call this the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness: we’re moving our consciousnesses from one point to another, always seeking that which will work for us. When a point of consciousness no longer works for us, we hope we will have the wit to move to one that does. We say, also, that you must follow your own path to enlightenment, and on this inner journey, you will find that you are the only one who can decide what is right for you. You become responsible for yourself and to yourself, and to no others. You are the only one who can answer whether or not what you are doing is best for you.

So if you bow down and worship what the Traveler tells you without trying it out, you’re playing the fool. I can’t say it enough times: check out everything for yourself. Don’t give over your control to anyone. Certainly, you can listen to what other people say, walk out into life, put it into practice in a small way, and see if it works. If it does, great; move into it a little more and see if it keeps on working. Use it as long as it works. When it doesn’t, keep on walking.

As you learn to tune in to your true self, you will know within yourself whether what you are doing is right for you. And you are the only one to whom you have to give an answer. If you are doing whatever you are doing to the best of your ability and striving as honestly as you can to take care of yourself, you’ll find out what works for you and what does not. That will be your guideline.

The World Is Perfect—You Just Don’t Like It That Way
The Soul, which is your greatest reality, is perfect. You are already perfect in who you are and what you are. And although you may not know it yet, God’s plan for you, for your neighbor, and for the world, is perfect. So if there are still areas of your life that cause you difficulty, bless them. Those areas are your blessings because they move you to seek the Kingdom of God. If all things were perfect here, you might forget all about your spiritual direction.

If you attach yourself to anything in the lower levels and misplace your allegiance, your loyalty, your love, it may be taken from you. And that is the greatest blessing that you may ever receive, so don’t be too quick to curse those “difficulties” that befall you. They may be perfectly designed to enhance your greatest good. If all things are right and proper because God is right and proper and if all things are moving towards divine destiny, then your challenge is to see that and to work in that.

You see, these lower levels can be full of errors, frustrations, and mistakes. They’re designed that way. They’re designed to refine your level of awareness so you can discover more completely who you are. People ask, “What’s for my highest good?” The Traveler answers, “You’ll find out when you do it.” Then they say, “I don’t want to make a mistake. I don’t want to do anything that will delay my spiritual growth.” The Traveler says, “You can’t. Your spiritual progress is not necessarily determined by your physical situation.”

And if there are some areas of your life that may be imperfect and incompletely balanced, can you accept that those may be areas for you to learn about and experience and that perhaps you are not to receive a perfect healing and balance yet? Could it be that this is the prod that keeps you going and growing, searching and questing? Is it possible that this is set up perfectly for your highest good? The truth is that with each breath, God is saying, “I’m right here. Everything’s fine.” That is the eternal essence of God that is entirely present at every moment.

If It’s Not Fun, Why Do It?
If you stay focused in the now, you can have tremendous joy and great fun wherever you find yourself. It’s all your attitude, and your attitude is your choice. So if you’re down, do whatever is necessary to change depression and discouragement to the positive energy of fun and laughter. Go to a funny movie. Go out with some friends and have a good time. Tell yourself jokes. Tickle yourself. Sing. Chant. Start laughing.

In MSIA we do have a lot of fun. If someone wants to join us, that’s fine. If they don’t, that’s fine, too. We just continue having a great time, and if I’m not having fun, you probably won’t find me doing it.

If It’ll Be Funny Later, It’s Funny Now
When you can look at your life in perspective, you will see the humor of it. Enjoy it. Enjoy yourself in all your escapades. When you do, it’s easy for the loving to come present and manifest itself in everything you do, and laughter is love being demonstrated and expressed. It’s so good and healing to be able to laugh at yourself and with yourself. If you take yourself too seriously, you are probably going to fall to your knees before too long and have the world on your back. That may be a very hard burden.

The ultimate is what we’re dealing with. Along the way towards the ultimate, you can have a lot of people, a lot of things, a lot of experiences, a lot of laughs, a lot of jokes, a lot of illnesses, a lot of happiness. The Bible talks about how there’s a season for this and a season for that, and you just participate in what season you care to and allow other people to participate the same way. In that you’ll find your freedom. In the Spirit you’ll find your liberation. And if that’s all going to happen, we might just as well laugh and live in grace.

Baruch Bashan.

To purchase Timeless Wisdoms online, click here.

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