
New Day Herald

Where Do We Find Our Spiritual Promise

Article imageThis article is from the Introduction to John-Roger’s 3-volume set, Fulfilling Your Spiritual Promise.

You come into this world, attempting to fulfill certain qualities within yourself, and you go about it in many ways. But there is a prime directive that everyone works under:

You are here to find out who you are, to find out where the Soul realm is and go there, and to have co-creative consciousness with God, the Supreme Father.

This is your whole direction and purpose on this planet. This is where your satisfaction and your fulfillment lie. This is your spiritual promise.

This is a book about love—the love that brought you here and the love that you are. It is about seeing through the eyes of the Soul. It is about joy and using everything in your life for your upliftment, growth, and learning—because everything in your life is designed for that. It is all designed for you, personally, in the deepest and most profound way possible. And when you truly know that, you will live in freedom and the fulfillment of your spiritual promise.

There are three tenets we use in the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA), and they are the foundation for this book and for everything I teach:

1. Out of God come all things.
2. God loves all of Its creation.
3. Not one Soul will be lost.

Let’s briefly look at them.

Out of God come all things.

Spiritually, the same flow of energy that is going through you is going through me and through others. This is why Jesus said that “when you have done it to the least one of these, you have done it to me” (Matthew 25:40). Because all things come out of God, if we become prejudiced against one, we have become prejudiced against the awakening of our own consciousness of love.

God loves all of Its creation.

In the Bible, it says that after God created the world and human beings, He saw that it was very good. That means God loves it. God is maintaining us here and has also given us the ability to build and change according to our own will.

Not one Soul will be lost.

The Soul is the energy of God manifesting in the physical body. Since out of God come all things, God cannot lose Itself. People cannot lose their Soul, for how can anyone lose something that is immortal and that has always existed?

In MSIA, there are certain things that we keep in mind as we go through life, and they are our guidelines:

1. Don’t hurt yourself and don’t hurt others.
2. Take care of yourself so you can help take care of others.
3. Use everything for your upliftment, growth, and learning.

We also believe that God as Christ dwells within each person as a spirit and that we have to treat people in relationship to that spirit, which we discern as being a loving force. We feel that our job, then, is to become ministers to everyone in relationship to this Christ Consciousness, this loving feeling, no matter where we find anyone at any time. MSIA’s teachings go into how we get in our own way, how to get out of our own way, and how to assist other people without inflicting on them or trying to ram a point of view at them. This planet is a classroom, and each of us is here to gain experience and to become aware of the Divinity within ourselves—to awaken to and fulfill our spiritual promise. Your exploration of this can be a life-long adventure; it certainly has been—and continues to be—for me. This book offers some outer ideas and support for your inner exploration of this.

Our primary approach is that each person needs to validate by their own experience the reality of the teachings. So, we do not deal in a strong belief structure; rather, we encourage you to believe in your own experiences and what those experiences bring to you in terms of your inner awareness and inner enlightenment. And, of course, these are all very individual because not everyone approaches the teachings from the same background or context of life. The teachings are wide enough and voluminous enough so that most people can readily see within them how they can fulfill their life destiny more completely in terms of the spirit that they are. So this is my advice as you read this book: If it works for you, use it. If it does not work for you, have the wit to let it go, bearing in mind that this may change over time. What is working today may not work tomorrow, and, conversely, what does not work today may work for you tomorrow. So we strive to remain open to each new experience.

I am not bringing forward new information. I am bringing forward the ancient message that has been said over and over, and all I am doing is repeating it in words that are for our time. Sometimes I may get tired of repeating it, but I keep doing it anyway out of my loving for you. At some point, you will get tired of hearing me and you will start doing it for yourself, and that will be the day you awaken yourself. And if you sit down very quietly and tune in, you will get it from the Spirit within you, which is more effective anyway.

I am not asking you to believe what I say. I prefer not to speak to people who are believers, those who, if you say anything, just believe it. I like to have people bring their critical faculties with them, so as you read this, I would like you to bring your mind, your intelligence, and everything that you have heard or that you have been exposed to. Most of all, I would like you to have the experience of these things yourself.

You may read things that are new to you. You may also read things that you already knew but you did not know that anyone else knew them, and you will find them validated here. Some things may seem strange and peculiar, even “loony.” In a way, they are loony, and this is because what we see physically is reflected light. You see something or someone else because they are reflecting light, but you see the Spirit because the Spirit Itself is shining. So the Spirit world is, in that sense, backwards from this world.

Years ago, some psychologists did an experiment where subjects wore glasses that reversed the vision from the right eye to the left eye and then upside down. So if a person tried to go right, according to what he saw, he would really have to go left. And if he saw something that he would normally have to reach down to get, he would have to reach up. Needless to say, the subjects were having a very hard time. As I watched this experiment, I said to myself, “This is what it’s like to be spiritual.” This is why, when you go on a spiritual path, some people think you are crazy, no good, or even corrupt. But it is all cultural. If you were doing that in India, for example, there would be temples or ashrams into which you would fit just fine.

So as you read this book, try not to let your cultural background or the vocabulary get in your way. I go towards reaching the heart. I want your heart to come open because I have found that when your heart opens, you will have wisdom as a by-product of liking and loving. Then you get intelligence. Then the wisdom comes out, and from that comes the knowledge of how to do it again. It is what I call being a spiritual scientist. If you are really being religious—and “religious” means to be realigned with God—then you are being a scientist, because the only way you can realign yourself is to stop the belief in what you think or what you have heard or read from others and, instead, find out for yourself.

Above all, look for the loving, which is how all of this works. Without love, no matter what else we have, it will not work. And if we have love, no matter what else we do not have, it will work.

Baruch Bashan
—John-Roger, DSS

To purchase Fulfilling Your Spiritual Promise online, click here.

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