
New Day Herald

The Joy of My Own Devotion

The Joy of My Own Devotion
by Martha Ringer

Martha received the Minister of the Year Award at MSIA’s 2016 Conference

My ministerial blessing opens with a statement that I have created a solid foundation inside of me so that this ministry could come into fruition and that as I open to serving others in the outer world, I will find “the joy of my own devotion.”

On a PAT IV in the 1980’s I visited the Christ’s Tomb in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. Through the eyes of my ego the tomb, with its plastic flowers, appeared a bit tacky and unappealing. Yet in that moment I saw through Spirit’s eyes. I saw beauty unlike any I had seen before and there were no words, just essence present. Later that day J-R asked me if I had been able to get into Christ’s tomb. (The lines had been too long when the group was there so he suggested going back later, on my own, to see it.) As I told him my experience I was filled with the radiance of beauty in and around me that had been in the tomb. J-R said to me, “You have just experienced the true meaning of devotion.”

In that moment I understood beauty, devotion, joy and loving all at once but was without words to describe it.

Serving as a Minister is my opportunity to invite all these qualities present. When I am present with them inside me I experience the joy of my own devotion as I serve. The loving devotion poured into those plastic flowers in the tomb radiates the beauty of the Christ as my reference point.

That inner knowing and elevation is what emanates from us all as we serve from the Traveler within. The tenets of “take care of yourself first so you can take care of others” and “your first ministry is to yourself” have been my teachers. I remember “trying” to be of service in the beginning, wanting to be a good minister and forgetting to serve from my overflow. J-R and all the teachings, through discourses and seminars, and my spiritual exercises, showed me that the Self I was to take care of dwelled inside of me as me, and had nothing to do with my personality or ego. What needed nurturing was the loving in me, the caring in me and being in attunement with the precious soul I am, and we all are. And from that place I am to minister.

So began a journey of self-loving—often aloud—of loving comments of beingness to myself vs. the critical statements I was accustomed to. I invited in the sweetness, gentleness and purity I experience emanating from J-R. I wanted that deep connection within myself, and with my Soul. I asked to feel the fullness of that line from my blessing—“finding the joy of your own devotion.”

Early in 2012 I experienced a big shift in my inner and outer ministry with this inner message from J-R: “Your life is no longer about you, it’s about serving. Frame everything in terms of serving. Serve the Christ in the one before you.” I was startled at first and then realized the perfection. There is great freedom “moving into the higher love, the great impersonal love of the Holy Spirit”—from my blessing. I am deeply grateful that I was present and quiet enough inside to receive J-R’s direction.

Everything began changing after that day. The physical level concerns I had been wrapped up in had less significance and I started seeing everything as service, which opened more joy inside. Things in my life began relaxing as I let go into the devotion of service. And “yes” became my response to requests to serve the Spirit regardless, which I learned rapidly includes everything. Occasionally I am tested when Spirit calls and my preference is “later please”… and then I love myself into willingness “regardless,” for which I am always grateful.

I was shown the nourishment in holding for others, the infinite energy available if sourced out of the divine, and the joy of being fully engaged receiving God. I became more available to participate in service that comes from the Christ and Traveler.

I trust Spirit to bring me what is mine to do and I cooperate no matter how mundane or grand. I ask to serve from the Traveler and Christ within. The week following Conference I laughed as it seemed like my service increased in a big way and of course as Minister of the Year I would not be caught saying no.

My ministry is a sacred trust, an infinitely formless place inside of me that is bathed in loving, honor and respect for the divine in all things. I pray to serve from the Traveler and Christ within with my heart wide open.

Thank you J-R for all you did to allow me to receive this consciousness of service and dwell in it knowingly and gratefully. I am honored to serve you.

In the last week I received both these quotes that address for me the “regardless” aspect of our ministry and the true expression of our loving reality as we minister:

“Love is the matrix that makes it all possible; it is the energy of Spirit that is the essence. And it is through love for yourself that you find the Soul and learn that its expression is your reality.”
—John-Roger, DSS

An angel walks among us!

Your loving and heartfelt service abound.

So many have been blessed by your gentle caring and cheerful support, that seem to come out of nowhere and yet are always there for perfect strangers as well as those close to you.

Your silent, often unseen service to the Traveler and Its work touches hearts worldwide.

We love you, we bless you, and we honor you as our Minister of the Year Reverend Martha Ringer.

Baruch Bashan

Ministerial Services in Action Conference of the Sound Current, July 3, 2016

Read the complete NDH September / October 2016 Edition via ISSUU

4 thoughts on “The Joy of My Own Devotion”

  1. Wow, Martha. I missed this until now. Congratulations! Your Light shines bright and I am so happy and moved that you received this recognition. Blessings upon you as you are a blessing upon all.

  2. Oh Martha, this is one of the most grounded, truthful, and resonating-with-me pieces I’ve read about ministry and service. Love the bit about the shift in your reaction to plastic flowers at the Holy Sepulcher. I’m inspired by “the nourishment in holding for others, the infinite energy available if sourced out of the divine, and the joy of being fully engaged receiving God.” Please know that when you share your insights and experiences in verbal form, the rest of us gratefully receive them. Loving you lots! Esther

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