Dear J-R and John:
I really wanted to share with you both how impressed I am with our church, and particularly the high-tech look we present because of NOW Productions. At J-R’s birthday party in September 1998, I had an opportunity to talk with Phil Danza. He shared his enthusiasm for how fast NOW was growing and the new projects NOW had undertaken. He invited me to tour NOW if I was in town sometime.
Fast forward to January 1999 when I had some business appointments in LA and arranged to see the Network of Wisdoms facility. How all those folks fit in that tiny space with all that equipment is beyond me! I was really dazzled by the array of equipment and variety of projects everyone was working on. The level of dedication was very apparent. I’ve run my own international business for nine years and have been in sound studios and made business videos before, but I have to say I’ve not seen anything like what NOW Productions has going.
Fast forward to March, 1999 when my husband and I came out to LA early to volunteer to help NOW setup for the Easter week celebrations. John and J-R, in the ten hours we worked, we easily received a hundred “thank you for helping out,” “you’re doing great” and other compliments for our minor contribution. Why, they had even made personalized place cards for us at the lunch table!
We worked with Cheryl and Denise, who both took the time to explain the big picture and educate us on why we were doing what we were doing. When we screwed up, it was handled in the most light-hearted and loving manner. That really made the experience worthwhile and less intimidating.
The entire group of paid staff and volunteers worked together in an amazingly smooth manner and everyone was upbeat and generous. This was in spite of several setup problems—the stage was too small, the backdrop not hung correctly, and the backdrop wings got painted three times to match! It was very different from the international trade shows I’ve participated in—where everyone bites each other’s heads off and bedlam reigns. It was really a shining example of the Church teachings applied to everyday life. And we were very impressed.
After ten hours, they sent us on our way, but the staff stayed and worked until the wee hours and came back to do it again the next day. As a church member and a volunteer, I experience NOW, Phil Danza and their professional approach to be one of the greatest gems the church has. For myself, I’m coming out to LA early to help NOW set up for Conference. I’m doing it for selfish reasons—I’m looking for more information on how the NOW folks stay in their loving through the catastrophes and tedium and long hours. That’s worthwhile information I can use for the rest of my days on the planet.
Covering you both with love,
Beloved J-R,
I thank you for 23+ years of unconditional loving. For all that you have taught me. For all that you have shared, for all the happiness, joy, forgiveness you have brought to me. For all the intercessions on my behalf. For loving me over & over again through all of my fears, all of my heartaches. For encouraging me through it all. Hearing your soft voice inside me when my thoughts go astray. For the sanctity. Your guiding light. For your embrace and comfort. For not giving up on me, which enabled me not to give up on myself. For teaching, showing, demonstrating better ways to be, think & do. For showing me the way home inside so I may know the Lord. For the Sacredness of your Spirit. For the kindness. For loving peace as a reference point inside…For letting me know you. For the opportunities to be part of the greater good of all. For being the ‘perfect’ teacher, companion, friend and co-worker with the Lord. For teaching me loving acceptance of myself and all things. For all the years of joyful giving.
Loving you forever,
Dear J-R and John,
On Sunday morning of the PTS Class this past weekend, I awoke with a new awareness about Windermere and the Foundation for the Study of Individual and World Peace—and what we are doing here. I feel inspired to share where I am now, at this point, as a sort of reference point in this process that will keep on moving.
I’m realizing the reality that when the Holy Spirit comes present, it takes each of us as we are, with all of our personality quirks and behaviors, and raises them and transforms them into a higher vibration. So that even that very quirk or behavior which was so bothersome before, which appeared to be our personality challenge, can be part of our greater and unique contribution to the whole. And for this to take place requires one thing on my—our part: that we do love one another. So it really is the key to all things.
When I am open to this awareness I can be focusing on the loving, regardless of what my personality or anyone else’s personality is going through. I need to, because at any moment, as a result of my loving and the loving of those I am with—no matter what we are doing on the outer—the Holy Spirit can come present and transform all those lower attributes of personality into their higher counterpart. It could happen at any moment, so I want to keep my eyes on the loving. This is the One Accord I am holding for.
I thought of Windermere and where we are going now. It is as if we are all (everyone who is involved with Windermere) looking at the two pieces of the tetrahedron, looking and waiting for someone, anyone of us who in a moment may represent all of us, to step forward and put the pieces together in such a natural and grace-filled manner, that the perfection will immediately be revealed and the entire group will say “AAhhhh” in one voice. In the meantime, various ones of us step forward and each make our own offering of how the pieces might fit together. And sometimes, some of us will say, “Yes, that configuration is nice,” and others will say “I’m not sure that’s it yet.” Yet we all have an inner knowing that there is a possibility that the pieces will fit together in a perfect way, and when it does the entire group will move into that estate called One Accord. Until it takes place it may look very difficult, and yet the key that will take us there is waiting for us every moment. The key is our loving one another.
Oh Lord, if I could just hold this at the core of my awareness each moment . . .
I am practicing—we are all practicing.
Beth Hinman
From a friend who has a life-threatening illness:
Dear J-R,
It is important to live in the love and light of God! I don’t know how much time I have left on this earth; but I know I want to use that time God gives me to serve him, to serve the people who need it—to be loved! And you gave me, you give me so much energy and power! I can’t explain it to you. Only if you know how it is to be in the deep and not to know how you come to the land, and your energy is empty, you can’t swim more, and then there is a hand from God and takes you up and lift you to the land! That peace I have now!