Have you ever seen a great-looking woman who puts out a certain vibration that’s not sexy but is erotic? It’s Eros. It isn’t that she is after sex with everybody; rather, she’s after close, friendly relationships, where people give in to her and her behavior. With a person like this, even when she’s not thinking about having someone participate with her, they still feel this Eros energy moving out from her. They may even see a picture of her and see this energy.
This Eros is invisible, whereas erotic is visible. I’m talking about the invisible. It is very, very real. It is what, for example, a man sees in a woman that makes him want to marry her, when she is not physically really attractive. But he has to have her anyway, and he doesn’t know why. It’s a deeper love. It is a deeper sense of value, a deeper sense of worship, a deeper sense of wanting to “do for” what you love, as you love your life. It’s not as much as you love yourself, however, because that would get into the erotic.
If this description fits you, when you get into this Eros energy, you may blank out and may even wonder, “What are people talking about? I was listening to them, but I don’t know what they’re saying. I think I might be in the conversation, but I don’t know what to say.” When this takes place, you may sort of panic a little bit, as you feel out of control in the conversation or in the action. You don’t know what to do, and it bothers you inside.
As it bothers you inside, you may start to retreat, to pull yourself out from this communication back inside. Then people see you as no longer giving this Eros energy, and they automatically stop supporting you with their erotic energy or their own Eros energy. It’s usually something you don’t have control over. It can appear like a fog, out of the ground; it just comes up on you, and you may feel enchanted, charmed, magical.
This invisible Eros may stir you. It could be a sexual stirring or a motherly (or fatherly) stirring, but it is a stirring of your wanting to participate in something in a very close intimate way, to almost have it possess you, rather than your possessing it. What that looks like visibly, out here in the world, is security or money.
After you get the security, this Eros looks out again into your world, and it has a way of attracting to it others who have the Eros energy going. Then it may move into the erotic with them, the close, wanting to posses them, wanting to have them posses you, in intimate closeness. Then you may move it into the physical world, and maybe it’s to have a lover or a car or a house—something that is material and that has value according to you—but you’re not paying for it. Someone else is paying for it because of the Eros. They want to give things to you, to get the Eros.
The Eros doesn’t always show up. Like fog, it often is blown away. It’s not there anymore, and you can’t pull it back. When the Eros leaves you, you are left in a quandary over what’s happening. At that point, you may retreat back to what you feel is security: your house, your car, your place in society, your friends, your philosophy of life.
Then when you’re in this area of security, you start to get bored. And then, with your eyes, you start to look out into the world to see what’s there. It’s a human instinct to look. The eyes are always hungry. Sometimes they want to eat a lot, and sometimes they just want to take a peek. But that’s what starts to lead us back out into the erotic part of the world. The erotic is what draws your attention, what you want. The Eros is the mystery, or the mystical part of you, that brings others to you, for you to participate in—for as long as the Eros is present.
That can leave you unstable in your life. As you start to waver in whether you want to do this or whether you want to do that, or whether you want to do the first one or whether you want to do the second one, it causes doubt to appear in you psychologically. You may start to look in the mirror to see if you still have value in the world. That becomes narcissistic, and it turns itself into self-possessive self-love. It’s an Eros love, not erotic love, but you can’t have it because you can’t see it. And yet it’s with you. You may know it, but you can’t see it.
This is a continuing pattern of Eros, erotic material. That’s okay, as long as it keeps doing that. You feel secure that when you want something and you see it, it will come in to you and you have it. But then another one comes into you; you see it, you go for it, and you have it. It’s when it reverses and goes backwards—you have it, you see it, and then you loose it because it goes back into the Eros—that it is difficult for you to explain to anyone.
This pattern is generally karmic. It goes to the right, and then it reverses and goes to the left. Then it stops. Then it goes in and out and then up and down. We don’t know which way this thing is going to go next because there’s more than just three parts to it.
There may be family in there—close family, extended family, or people you feel are your family. But you also feel that you’re your family. It’s very hard to feel that you’re your family. You can understand the words, but you may not be able to really explain it because it was in this invisible or metaphysical area. You may judge this as negative when it just disappears: “Why? What’s going on? Why is this happening to me?” It has nothing to do with you. It has to do with the Eros, erotic, usability, and family, and a narcissistic approach in your life.
I can’t explain more to you because it’s a dynamic that works differently in different types of situations. There can be a political side, there can be a social side, there can be a religious side, there can be a philosophical side, there can be an artistic side. There can be the side where you just want to nurture yourself, to take care of your hurts in and of the emotions. And so this is going to function in a lot of different ways.
You may have had hurt feelings, but they probably didn’t harm you. The hurt feelings usually are because you couldn’t control it or hold it to you as long as you might want to because people are free beings, and they turn and move with their own Eros in life. And so you, like all the rest of us, put up with this as it happens to you—those things that are happening to us that we call negativity. We don’t look at it as other people exercising their freedom to live their life the way they want to. We may feel abandoned, rejected, put upon, and that’s just our way of expressing discontent with what the other person is doing. They may be doing just fine in God’s eyes, and we just don’t like it that way.
Actually, Eros is the thing that the Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness has, which most of the other churches lost: the adoration of this great spiritual being, the I AM that you are. It left churches, and it’s here. And that’s why we wonder, why do we keep playing in this? Because it’s the only place where the Eros is letting you play. Without the Eros, we die.
Baruch Bashan.