
New Day Herald

The Light Behind the Shadows

Article imagePeople say, “Oh God, help me!” They ask me, “Can you put something inside of me that will make me grow and develop faster?” And the answer is, “Be patient, because that is part of your spiritual discipline.” Be patient. Be now. Be here. Don’t forget that it’s all here already.

Many people want the veil to be rent from their vision, and they unfold in pain and anguish. The way of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness is not a path of suffering or anguish. It is a path of divine love, of unfoldment, of taking those around you and lifting them up. The divine path can be called many things. But it is what it is, whether we like it or not. It will be what it will be, and we cannot change it. We do not even have the wit to change ourselves, so how could we have the wit to change the divine path? We don’t even have the wit to walk upon it. We walk across it into the brambles and briers on each side. The disturbance you feel comes from being off your spiritual path. You can be off it physically and have great physical disturbance. You can be off it emotionally and have depressions or distress. You can be off it mentally and lose your mental balance.

But I’ll tell you something interesting. You can’t be off it spiritually. If you can be off it spiritually, it isn’t a spiritual path that you’re on, it’s psychism. When people’s delusions are placed in front of you, use them as stepping stones, not stumbling blocks, because they’re just casting shadows in front of you. Keep your eye on them, look at them, and then go through them to the Light beyond the shadow.

In the inner worlds it is written, “Man has no right to inflict himself upon his brother. No man goes up unless he takes at least one with him.” I’ve had some people say to me, “Well if it hadn’t been for so-and-so, you wouldn’t be where you are.” And I said, “Oh, yes, thank God for so-and-so, because you wouldn’t be where you are either.” Thank God that God is God or none of us would be here.

Does it matter how you get where you’re going as long as you get there, as long as you do not inflict or hurt, but you’re responsible to yourself, to your own divine inner guidance? It matters little, because the place is already prepared. It has waited and waited and waited for us to claim it. When humanity claims its spiritual heritage, then we will have a new heaven and a new earth, and humans will be able to reign in any dimension as the divineness that they already are.

If you hear people saying, “Run here, run there. Go here. Go do this,” for God’s sake and your own, pack up your bag and leave in the night, for they would deny you the experience of your unfolding. Often, the experience is a struggle. But the struggle is not anguish or pain. It is God revealing itself to God. It is the awakening, the moving away of those things that have become sacrosanct in our minds, in our values, and in our emotions. We’re not going to give these things up because we ask, “What will I have left?”

When you give it all up, what will be left? The Light behind the shadows will be all that is left. That’s you. You’re the Light behind all the shadows—the shadows you create for yourself, and those that you create for others.

It’s time that we followed the admonition of Jesus the Christ: to let our Light shine out to all the world. This doesn’t mean going out and cramming things down people’s throats like a missionary, or doing the holy man’s disease (“we’re right/you’re wrong”). Listen to what people say because you might find it rather enjoyable. But if you split yourself, then you should have concern because you are not single in your mind and emotions, and a house divided against itself cannot stand. It will fall because you built it upon the sands of time instead of the rock of your own strength.

This rock is where the temple of God has been built. The strength of our endurance is only known by the end, and the one who wins is the one who endures to the end. Halfway? I’m sorry. Three-quarters of the way? Forget it! When you leave to go home tonight from this seminar, are you going halfway? Do you ever think of doing anything just halfway? You do when the tire goes flat or the car stops. You think, “Well, where can I put up for the night? But I’ll go home tomorrow. I’ll go home tomorrow.” And somebody says, “Let’s get it fixed and go home tonight. I don’t like to be out in the dark.”

Where God resides there is never darkness, there is only Light. This has been a promise. This has been brought forward again to be voiced—not brought forward as something new, but brought forward to be voiced again. The message has always been the same: In God’s name you can do no wrong. But make sure it is in God’s name, and not in your emotional turmoil or the deceit of your mind. Put God first and foremost.

I’m going to say something to you that seems rather strong, and then I’ll explain to you why. If you love your family more than you love God, the family will be taken from you. But if you love God more than anything else, your family will cleave unto you because you are a pillar of strength and success. Placing God at the head of the family does not break it up. The family breaks up when we place the illusions and gods of opinion first, and we worship that instead of God, spirit, and love. In love we bring forward all things, in love we maintain all things, and in love we change all things. In love we then become all things because truly we already are love—infinite, limitless truth and love. That is who we are.

When we come together in a group like this, we form a consciousness of limitless truth and love, of eternal beingness. When you can tap into this spiritual consciousness that we’ve placed here and use that as an awakener, something will come up inside you and you’ll say, “Oh yes, I remember when so-and-so said such-and-such. I’m going through the same thing right now. They got through it and if they can get through it, by God, I will get through it.” Not, “I can get through it.” I will get through it. And do you know what happens? We do.

Hindsight is 20/20 vision. If you don’t believe me, look back and see how you could have done it. Foresight is looking through the glass darkly. Now is just seeing what you can see, doing what you can do, and being what you can be, just now. There is nothing else, wish as you will, try as you will. As I’ve told you, my father said to me, “Wish in one hand, and pour water in the other. See which one fills up the fastest.”

Creative imagination is not wishful thinking. It is bringing the divine into action. It is bringing the spirit into the mind, into the emotions, into the physical body, and into the physical world to manifest it. We precipitate our own greater beingness down from spirit, and then we corrupt it because we cast shadows upon it. We actually kick it in the dark. And yet when we say, “I can’t take anymore. Oh God, I give up,” the angels say, “Oh, thank goodness, Lord, that they gave up. We were just about worn out. Whew! We were gonna have the second team sent in.” But this becomes very interesting too, because when we give up all, we lose nothing.

What does it do for you to gain this world and lose the consciousness of the Soul? When you look into the Soul, into the Beloved, into the divine, and you do not give all over to it, because you cheat giving to yourself. Cheating is dishonest and forfeits divine aid.

There’s a classic story of a man who died and went to Heaven. Down the road came a guy with a Cadillac. He asked the guy, “What are you doing here with a Cadillac? You can’t take it with you.” And the guy answered, “Did you try?” That’s a question that you’d want to ask yourself when you get over there: “Did you try?” Because it’s by our fruits that we’re known, it’s by our works that we’re evaluated, it’s by our consciousness that we’re located, and by the shadows of our own darkness we amputate it. It’s all cut away, it’s all removed, because one day the glory of God within each one will shine forward, and people will stand face to face and look at each other in the consciousness of love and find out that “Yea, verily, when you’ve done it to the least of these you’ve done it to me,” because that “me” is the great big one.

Instead of saying, “I am that,” or “I am that I am,” you will say, “This I am.” If you say, “I am that or that,” it’s not you. It is somebody else saying it. But when you say, “This I am,” it is that which is that speaks, and it is not reflective or separated.

We come into the presence of Light because Light recognizes Light. The Christ recognizes the Christ. We are king. We are the Christ. We are the Light. But there are many levels of Christ, many levels of kings and many levels of Light.

Some people come in for the second initiation and are connected to the Sound Current, and it works, and they get caught up in the illusions of their own inner universe. They can tap the repositories of ancient memories because those memories are in all of us and the basic self has access to them. The basic self comes from the Magnetic Light, and it can give you all sorts of information that will be fantastically beautiful, and then you think you’re “it,” although you haven’t even gotten out of your own causal realm. There’s nothing that you can say to these people except, “Go your own way. I can do no more for you at this time. Play your divine comedy. You may close in a divine tragedy, but since it’s divine, it’s all okay.”

It’s okay because you’re never given anything that can’t be handled. Of course you complain and you moan and groan. That helps you handle it. Do you know that some people yell to handle things, others fight with each other to handle them, others shut up to handle them, and others don’t handle them to handle them? That’s a decision by default. It’s almost as bad as no decision at all because you can’t say, “I tried.” If the decision is wrong, don’t worry, because you can change it. What is “wrong” anyway? I don’t know. I’ve been watching decisions that people have made over a period of four, five, or six years, and none of them are right or wrong, because the wisdom of the decision appears over the course of time.

When you look at someone’s action, look for the wisdom of the action. In other words, where will this action ultimately take them? Will it take them into the divine consciousness, into God? If so, leave them alone. Let them be. If you say, “I don’t know where it will take them,” then don’t pretend that you know. Just say, “I don’t know.” My God, it’s not a sin or a crime not to know.

I don’t know if there is a sin, but if it is a sin not to know, then it must also be twice the sin not to seek for the answer. Years ago, youngsters used to ask me “How do you spell a word?” I’d say, “There’s the dictionary.” They’d say, “Well, just tell me,” and I’d say, “No, there’s the dictionary.” They’d have to get up and go and find the word, and then use the word. If the answer is given too easily, they often don’t remember, and later on they ask, “How do you spell that word again?” If you feed people fish, you end up feeding them for the rest of your life, but if you teach them to fish, they’ll feed themselves. If you teach people where to get the answer, they can get the answer themselves.

The answer is within. The keys are within. Go within. When you go out to someone for the answer, they can only reflect your own inner beingness to answer you. One person said to me, “How come when I talk to you, you’re always grouchy?” I said, “I don’t know.” He said, “Then why be grouchy?” I said, “Because that’s where I find you. When I’ve talked nicely to you, you’ve abused it. You thought it was weakness.”

And so I speak to you where you are. If you’re in love, I’ll speak to you in love, but I speak to you also by doing the work that I do for you. I don’t do it alone. You do it too. I take you there and show it to you. I show you the steps. I’m not the person who digs the holes for you. You dig them yourself. Then you know where the dirt is that you’ve piled up. Do you want a stairway to paradise? I can show you, I can direct you. I can go, but you must build your own bridge.

The bridge is not out. My God, it never has been. The bridge is in. Inside of this thing that will corrupt and decay is found the Golden One, the New Age. Then you say, “I feel so joyful,” because it is the God in you that produces this joy. Man cannot produce joy. Man does not know how. Man produces misery, and that’s been our heritage. Man’s remembrance is hurt and making sure he’ll get even—even into the last incarnation.

This day you can choose, right in this moment, if you want to lead a miserable, agonizing life. You’re going to be a day older no matter how you choose. When you think you’re there, keep going on. When somebody says, “You’re wrong, I’m right,” give them a chance to explain, and in that explanation, you won’t be knocking them over. When the Light of God knocks on your door, let it knock in such a way that you go up instead of going down. When you go up, there will be all sorts of people grabbing hold of you. When others say, “Well, you wouldn’t have gotten there without so-and-so,” give a special thanks. This is why masters and teachers always give a special thanks to their guru, because without that one they would not have been able to lift up.

People say, “I wanna do it my way,” and we say, “Fine. What is your way?” Their way is willfulness. They might just as well say, “we’ll-fool-us,” because that’s what they’re doing. They’re fooling all their levels. There’s only one will and that is God’s, and there are many choices, and those are man’s. “Freedom and reason make us men. Take these away and what are we then? Mere animals or just as well, for the beasts can think of Heaven or Hell.”

Thanksgiving is right on top of us. Be thankful you’re in a physical body. Thanksgiving is every day, because in this physical body you can spring into eternal paradise. From this level you can springboard. From the other levels you work hard.

You’re the strong souls that have gotten in here. You’re not weak. The weak ones weed themselves out to go and get strengthened, but strong souls have enough strength to usher themselves forward into the physical and rebound back into the Soul. I didn’t say you were smart all the time. I said, “strong souls.” Aren’t all souls strong? I would love to say yes to that, but I don’t know. I do know that the ones that come before me are strong. Even if they’re not strong now, they will be if they stay with me, because I’ll stretch you out to God while you are still in the physical.

And when you drop this body and you release all these levels, you will find yourself moving up in this current of Light and Sound into God, and at that point you will truly say, “This I am.”

Baruch Bashan

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