
New Day Herald

John-Roger on the Spiritual Promise — Part II

Article imageIf you’re studying for initiation or have been initiated, and you’re holding true to that and you die, you are blessed. I will tell you this out of truth, and absolute knowledge and integrity: I will be there to see you in Spirit. That is what I do. I don’t make any promise in this world except to tell you that. But that’s a spiritual promise. The way you know that is when you get there. But if you do S.E.’s and you get out of the body, you will also know that I am there. I am not very much here. It’s a hard place to work in, but it’s a place where the Souls who are advancing rapidly come to gain these experiences, in order to go.

All the things that we know about ourselves, if we don’t do them-—if we don’t fulfill God’s promises for us—-we’re not fulfilling the spiritual promise. We’re going to fulfill something else because we’re creators. And we’ll step into the negative side.

The spiritual promise is as stated in the Bible, to know God in the flesh in the Spirit. Not in the flesh in the flesh, because it says, “Nobody has seen God in the flesh,” and I think that might be true. But I think that we go to our Spirit, and we can see the Spirit of God. I’ve experienced that. And to then know God, and then to be a witness that—-that is for all people. Not that you do it, but that it exists. And then it’s smorgasbord time. You don’t just give them a hamburger and say, “Eat it.” You prepare a feast in the midst of famine. You put out plenty, and let people choose. That’s our spiritual promise.

All of us had the spiritual promise inside of us when we were born, and now we get to look at our life and see what we’ve done with it. Have we kept the promise? Are we keeping the promise? What is that promise? The promise has always been to know God and to love God with your body, mind, and soul, and to love your neighbor the same way.

This is the Spirit of the Sound Current. It starts out “when God spoke,” and that speaking is the Sound Current that we ride on back into God’s heart, into God’s intelligence. It was designed for all levels, but not designed to live here. It was designed to live where it was spoken from, if you can understand that idea. And when God batted his eyes, the lightning flashed and light appeared upon the world. And where God walked, there were great caverns and great valleys. And when he saw the sin of mankind, the tears he cried produced all the water of this world. He knew one day, as in all things, man in his soulic movement——not man as a male, but man as a human being——would stand forward and speak God’s name in truth and honesty in the spirit of his heart. And that which is the good that God has promised to all of us——the spiritual promise——would be delivered by, for and through us to all planes of existence. Those times are upon us. That’s why we are not teaching how to do things in materiality. We’re teaching you the immortality–that God is the God of all things, and that he does love. I have experienced that. And I’ve seen Him love others, and I have experienced that. And He’s not a God that lies, but He’s a God that lives the truth of the creation of Himself.

There will be those who come with greater awareness, because it has always been that way. We don’t come together in this room with the same sophistication of experience. So why should we assume that we have the same awareness? Some come here with a greater awareness of plumbing than others. Some come in here with a greater awareness of chiropractic and medicine. Others have a greater awareness of how to fix hair. Some to do clothes. But that great awareness in these worlds must give way to your greater spiritual promise, because you are spiritual by your own promise, and by God’s promise, and by God in you fulfilling the promise.

Freedom here and now. This is the spiritual promise, spiritual liberation. But if you go to the shadows of your mind and emotions, then you are the walking dead. Robots do better than you because they don’t know and they’ll keep on going, but you’re dead. You kill yourself every moment.

This level sleeps and it wants to awaken. And so it shakes itself every chance it gets. When we shake ourselves, we feel the disturbance of emotions, of the body, of pains, of mental fatigue. Finally we get to a point where all of these things have come to naught. And at that point, when we truly give up——not verbalizing giving up, but truly give up into God——then we have given up to our Great Self, the Soul that is the extension of the greater Soul that could be called God, or Jesus, or Christ, or Buddha, or whatever name you want to put on it.

You will awaken—every one of you—to the knowledge that you are divine, that the Soul within you is directly an extension of God, and that it is your heritage to move in consciousness from the lower worlds of negativity into the heavenly worlds of Spirit. That is the spiritual promise which is pre-ordained in the journey of every Soul.

As children of God, part of our heritage is the right to create joy and abundance in our lives. At times, we may be beguiled by the illusions of the body, mind, and emotions. Even so, the spiritual promise, given to us through the grace of Jesus Christ, is that we can lift through the obstacles and tests of this world and realize that we are divine.

Your job as an heir to the kingdom of heaven is to move your consciousness to the Soul so that you can perceive your life directly. It is redundant to say you are free in your Soul because the Soul, by its very nature, is free. But to be aware of the Soul and that divine freedom may not always be easy. The mind (God bless it) is an eternal obstacle that can stand between us and Soul consciousness. As part of universal mind, it is part of the world of illusion and the negative realms.

When your mom withdraws her love and becomes angry and cold, it’s hard to imagine that you might still be a good person. And it’s almost impossible not to believe that, if you could just mold your thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and body to a form that would please those all-important and powerful people around you, you would belong. And you would be safe. And you would be whole. That is the promise our families, our culture, and our world seem to hold out to us. But there is another promise, a spiritual promise made to us by God, that we are already loved and valued for who we are, not for what we do or say, not for how we look, not for our jobs, and not for whether or not we agree with those around us. The spiritual promise is that we are all heirs to the kingdom of God because we are the sons and daughters of God. And our souls are our beacon to guide us home to that safe haven, no matter how difficult we have made our journey.

We are ultimately our own and only counselor. In this world, we primarily see ourselves by reflection. So, we look out there for reflection, and we see people because they reflect light. But inwardly, the eye sees itself by being singular, by focusing. Then it becomes that and knows that because it is that. It’s not an absorption, but is an absolute oneness. And yet, individuality maintains itself because we have worked to have this right: to be co-creators with the supreme God, the God of all Gods, the Spirit God. Not the personality-God of wrathfulness and indignation; that’s a good one to keep the people in line. Not the Jesus who cleaned the temples or the Jesus who had the short hair or the long hair. We’re talking about the Jesus who had the son of God dwelling all through himself. The Beloved. That one who could be all things and still maintain its own identity. And there’s your spiritual promise.

– John-Roger

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