
New Day Herald

What is Meant by “The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth?”

Article imageQuestion: What is meant by “The meek shall inherit the Earth?”

Answer: I look at the meek as those who are the ordinary folks. One of the first things that I remember hearing from John-Roger is that ordinariness is the condition just prior to God. So when I start looking at what it is that’s close in alignment with God, I find very natural conditions, so natural that we don’t have to do anything. We are perfect as we are. It’s our conditioning that tells us we should be different, but it’s not true. We are perfect the way we are which includes all that you are becoming as a process of learning and growth. Remember your life has an eternal nature that transcends the temporary nature of the world.

Claim your relationship to God in its fullness. In the full claim, there is no such thing as unworthiness. You are an inheritor to all the Creation. You stand as a full inheritor to what is here to inherit. So you are completely worthy.

When receiving comes to you as a gift and things are handed to you, rather than have a sense of unworthiness, take it on faith. You don’t have to believe it. Just accept it. Remember, you’re not given anything from God that you can’t handle. So whatever God places upon you or before you, it has already been checked out and determined on God’s authority that, absolutely, you can handle it. And if there’s more involved in your handling it than just for today, then be patient.

According to the dictionary, meek can be characterized by endurance and patience. So take that definition and recognize that you are one who is enduring and patient. You are a spiritual being. You have a spiritual dedication. As long as you are in this world, there is an assignment for you to endure and make choices that represent you have a spiritual life. Do those things that will ensure you can uphold your relationship to God and endure to the end which is the end of this world.

What we do in the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness is based on our survival. Consider that the way we are going to survive is better than the way it is now. So go ahead and give yourself permission to survive. And when you survive, you will be surviving in a better state. Whatever we’re doing in this world, it doesn’t fulfill what we’re here for because we have a destiny to go to a better place. As long as that is our destiny, we might as well claim it now.

If you are willing to play at that level to claim your divine heritage, you are asked to wait while you’re here in this world which is to have patience and to serve. And the eyes that are God’s eyes will be brought to your awareness. Have trust and faith in yourself that you are becoming a new consciousness. Sign on to your inheritance. And remember, good things come to those who wait upon the Lord.

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