
New Day Herald

How can I Increase my Unconditional Loving for Myself?

Article imageQuestion: How can I increase my unconditional loving for myself?

Answer: As you start out your day, take the opportunity to engage yourself inwardly in the Spirit first. Surround and fill yourself with the Light and love. Extend the Light into your day as you see yourself move forward in the world. During the day, remember that the Light goes before you and prepares the way. All the things that come forward in your day, expected or unexpected, wanted or unwanted, are part of that Light action which is always present within you.

We don’t necessarily like all our circumstances. We’re tested in our personalities, our minds, and our egos. So it’s important to engage your trust and faith that each situation and experience is of the Light and love. Even when you don’t like something, remember “This too is loved.” Remember, you too are loved.

You might ask yourself, “Am I loving this? Am I loving myself?” Take a moment to pause and listen. Maybe you’ll realize you need to get yourself engaged inwardly because outwardly you’re already in a reactive state. If that reactive state is expressed, then make an adjustment inwardly, to re-instill that love is your foundation. Love is who you are and what you are, regardless of what is done or said or anything that happened.

Move into full commitment to love and care for yourself as you are. Could you have a relapse? Well, of course. But with good awareness about yourself, you can say, “I’ve already done that. I don’t need to do that.” Through your courage and patience, you can stop the pattern that puts you down and finds fault with yourself.

Inside, is the place of highest regard and adoration towards you. It’s the place of the Lord and Master of us all. It’s amazing that we would cut ourself off from the awareness of that, but it’s very human. It’s part of our ordinariness.

Our lower or reactive nature functions in judgment, disillusionment, and disturbance. Knowing that about our lower nature, we can raise it and treat it like a wayward child. Punishment and name-calling do not cure and heal. Instead, do those things that are loving towards yourself. Do them for the glory of the Lord within you. Love yourself as a testimony to the Lord, as the beloved child of God that you are.

Be honest with yourself and educate yourself about loving who you are. To help you, here is an invocation I gave at a PTS Loving Relationships Workshop:

“I’m inviting you to engage your unconditional loving and your forgiveness, so that you can move past any judgments you have towards yourself and others. You have the strength. You have all that is needed to have a look at anything that interferes with your loving relationships.

We ask for the divine presence now through the Light and love that comes through the Christ, the Holy Spirit, as a blessing, as something that surrounds you, fills you, protects you. So as you go through this process, learning is going on. Releasing is going on that will help you and assist you.

We place any negativity, any disturbance in this Light. So whatever is no longer necessary for you is released. You let it go. It’s dissolved. It’s cleared.

We ask for what will help you and assist you as an experience and as information to come forward so that your highest learning is placed into this process. You can come into the truth and rejoice in the truth of who you are as beloved of God.

We give our thanks for this blessing.”

Baruch Bashan

To learn more, watch the Loving Relationships Webclass facilitated by John Morton.

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