
New Day Herald

A Fresh Look for Soul Awareness Seminars: Themes!

With all that’s going on in the world, it seems even more important to offer Soul Awareness seminars as a way for people to gather together, share loving with each other, and connect with the Spirit.

One creative way to do this is by offering seminars with a theme. Our seminars team has been exploring themed seminars as a way to revitalize seminars and focus on topics particularly relevant to our communities.

Forgiveness is one example. Recently, we held “An Evening of Forgiveness” at Prana to inspire new people to visit. It was wonderfully successful – we had 45 people in attendance, most of them new to MSIA! The quality of sharing was beautiful, and folks seemed to really enjoy the event. For example, right from the outset, participants were openly sharing what forgiveness means to them, and they hung around for a while afterward drinking tea, eating cookies and socializing. A wonderful fellowship.

We created a relaxed atmosphere right away by letting people know weā€™re not here to teach them anything, rather weā€™re here to learn from each other and share together on forgiveness. After some initial group sharing, we gave a brief introduction on forgiveness and watched a Moment of Peace and Forgiveness. This was followed by “Forgiving Circles”, or small groups where participants could practice self-forgiveness and put their experiences with forgiveness into the Light. We wrapped up with a J-R audio ā€œMeditation of the Heartā€, followed by refreshments. (What’s a seminar without some goodies?)

Another example of a theme you could use is peace. Carolina Rodrigues from Bogota, Colombia recently offered a peace seminar, and hereā€™s what she wrote about her gathering:

ā€œOn October 29th, I led an MSIA seminar with J-R’s video “The Peace Process”.

After the seminar, participants shared their concerns about the peace in Colombia and placed in the Light their own processes of peace. The Spirit was present and it was a liberating experience, filled with joy and peace.

There were 10 ministers and 2 new people in attendance.

After “closing” the seminar I made a clear announcement saying that the MSIA Seminar part was over and invited whomever wanted to stay for refreshments and to watch together a movie.

Participants stayed and later left filled with enthusiasm and gratitude.ā€


As the holidays approach, I invite you to consider holding a seminar in your community with a theme. At Prana, we’re going to offer ” An Evening of Gratitude ” on December 6. CLICK HEREĀ for a list of resources on gratitude if youā€™d like to do a gratitude seminar too.


We also have an ā€œOutline for Theme-Based MSIA Seminarsā€ to help you offer a seminar with one of six themes: (1) blessings, (2) forgiveness, (3) gratitude, (4) loving, (5) meditation, and (6) peace. Please contact me at if you’d like to receive a copy!


Much love and many blessings to all,


MSIA Soul Awareness Seminars Coordinator

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