
New Day Herald

The Key to the Kingdom

By: John-Roger DSS

Self-forgiveness is the key to the kingdom. It not only opens the door, it’s the hinges on the door, it’s the key to the door, and it’s also the little bell that rings and lets you know the door opened.

Self-forgiveness is not an act of contrition or penance as much as it is a profound, radical approach to yourself. It cannot be mimicked, and you cannot pretend.

That’s why it can help to get to the precision of it. If I hurt my mother’s feelings and she is not here to apologize to, then I would forgive myself profoundly. I may say, ”I would have liked her to be here, but since she is not, I forgive myself for any judgments I made on myself or my mother in that situation.

And then I would sit and let that forgiveness and the intent of it sink in. It often just goes “click” inside, and if you are doing this along with me, you may say, “Yes, that just let go.”

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