
New Day Herald

Abundance Seminars in the MSIA Spanish Community

Seminar Leaders are exploring themed seminars as a way to use their creativity and invite new folks to gatherings on topics meaningful to them in today’s environment. In the Spanish community, a hot topic for this past month was “abundance”.

Sylvia Giussani, MSIA’s Spanish Seminar Leader Liaison, had an inner call to try out a theme of abundance for a recent Spanish seminar at Prana. The seminar went very well and was attended by 44 participants – 5 of whom were new to MSIA. And when she told Spanish Seminar Leaders what she was up to, a number of them joined in to offer abundance seminars in their communities on the same day!

Below is a report from Sylvia, followed by testimonials and photos from Seminar Leaders in other parts of the world who held seminars with an abundance theme.

For this coming month, John Morton invited Seminar Leaders to choose the theme of Blessings for upcoming Soul Awareness seminars. Contact our Seminars team at if you decide to join in, or would like to learn more about becoming an MSIA Seminar Leader.

Enjoy, and blessings to our MSIA Spanish communities around the world!
Love and Light,
Debbie Roth, MSIA Soul Awareness Seminars Coordinator

From Sylvia Giussani, Los Angeles, California
44 participants (5 new to MSIA)

On April 19, I did a “An Evening of Abundance” Themed Seminar in Spanish at Prana. The program included:

  1. Circles of Abundance: 4 participants reading J-R quotes and sharing about “What is Abundance for You?”
  2. Watching J-R Audio/Video: two Moments of Peace plus the Meditation on Wealth
  3. Time for seeding
  4. A final visualization and Light column for prayers, requests or other heartfelt things
  5. Closing with a Moment of Peace, MSIA around the world

Days before the seminar I shared with friends in other communities about what I was planning to do, and they said they wanted to do it too – on the same day only at times convenient for them. I sent them the script that Debbie and I had prepared, and we had a 24 hour rounds of abundance seminars in the Hispanic world!

At Prana, the presence of Spirit was amazing. In days previous to the event, all was assisted, provided, so that I could do my job preparing for it and all were miracles of joy, presence of spirit and acknowledgements of it. I am SO grateful and the testimonials will tell more about what the evening was:

From Rudy Contreras:  “Not one single sharing about the boyfriend, the car, or the salary. We all went directly to the Soul and the Soul qualities.”
From Christina Rivero:  “I loved how dynamic was the seminar with the MOP’s.”
From Libby Duque:  “This brought me answers and a great healing.”
From Lizeth Rengifo:  “I had inner questions that I had not asked to anyone and they got answered with the quote I randomly got.”
From John Cawley:  “I liked it so much that I think I will be coming to the Spanish events.”

We had a poster board available for participants to share what abundance is for them. We had time for seeding, and 33 participants planted seeds.

At the end of the seminar I asked if people would like to have another seminar of this kind and all 44 participants and assistants raised their hands. I’m already thinking of two more levels to offer as follow up, and I’ve also invited some local Seminar Leaders to offer a Themed Seminar. Fernando Mercado is interested in creating one, and Alicia Landa wants to support them with promotion!

This is all for now.
Thank you so much for the opportunity.

From Nelson Castaño and Maria Teresa Gonzalez , Cali Colombia
27 participants (2 new to MSIA)

We loved it.

And from participant Nohemi Sanabria: “Many participants found important keys for the abundance in their lives, and we are grateful and totally clear that the key is the connection with the God of our heart, with the clarity that we all create to have fulfillment and love to overflow.”

From Diana Berengue, Buenos Aires, Argentina
4 participants (1 new to MSIA)

This was so cool that I will keep leading this seminar every month.

From Marina Bustamente, Madrid, España
11 participants (1 new student studying Discourses)

This was beautiful, considering we are a small community.

The energy present was joyful, there was full participation in sharing, laugher and everybody’s commitment was present moment to moment. We watched Moments of Peace, enjoying them with enthusiasm. Valentina assisted with the technology.

Participants were: Valentina, Any Karoly, Marisa, Iván, Luz, Mercedes, Magdalena, Martha, Rosa Mª, Isabel and Yolanda. Beautiful people.

We sold some CDs and Abundance books.
We made a seed that has been sent to MSIA, all for the highest good.

We felt that we were “activating” the Light in Madrid, in Spain, in the whole planet and that we are doing our ministry to serve the Divine plan.

From Lana Barreira, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
4 participants

We were four and we had a great time. I liked it very much.

From Emilio Priolli, Sao Paulo Brasil
4 participants (1 new to seminars)

It was lovely to deliver the seminar! Two people attended plus my wife who very seldom joins! The energy of the Traveler was present and could be felt among us! One of the attendees usually joins me in my home seminars and she said this was the best she has been to, so far! The other participant was new and said she liked it a lot!

And I liked J-R’s innerphasing so much that I am doing the 30 Day process myself!

From Ana Yamaguishi, Brasilia, Brasil
10 participants (1 new to MSIA)

We all liked it very much.


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