
New Day Herald

Spain & Portugal Tour 2017 | The Way of the Traveler | Day 3


Madrid, Spain

We say goodbye to Toledo and board the bus on our way to Madrid. With cultural diversity and a history stretching back hundreds of years, the city of Madrid is the beating heart of Spain. The capital city (the largest in Spain) lies on the River Manzanares and is often noted for its elegance, manicured infrastructure, and historically preserved neighborhoods and streets. Madrid is an incredibly modern city with few examples of medieval architecture and a number of churches and cathedrals that have been preserved as historical buildings.

Our first stop is to the Plaza de Mayor to plant Light Columns in memory of the oppresive history of Spain and much needed healing of this country.

We head over to the Royal Palace which is spectacular and more details to come. From there, the group heads to the Museo Nacional Del Prado which is one of the spectacular art museums. The AV team heads off to the hotel to prepare for the John Morton Live event on forgiveness.

It is time for us to run out to the bus. Please enjoy the evenings seminar by John Morton.

Love & Light, Julie

Videos by Julie Lurie

[ooyala code=’ZydmxuYzE69mA5VXUqw6YNtUp2p4Oaql’ player_id=’aa43b6107d2a4417b95db88e1cf7e01e’ width=’640′ height=’360′ auto=’true’ platform=’html5-priority’]

Touring Photos by David Sand


Join Us in Planting Light Columns wherever you are and Light up the World together.

Here are two handouts from John-Roger on “Light Columns”
Click here | Planting Light Columns #1 by John-Roger
Click here | Planting Light Columns #2 by John-Roger

Join in Visualizing a Light column wherever you are each morning with this map that shows the dates where we will be on tour to connect with the Light action around the planet.

David Sandā€™s Column

A fine day of touring in Madrid. First stop is the Plaza Mayor, site of plentiful executions, inquisitions, and political intrigue, where we place the Light led by John. At first it looks like we might not be going, but John says he knew intuitively that we needed to be there to do light work. The place feels a lot better by the time we leave. Hopefully a few ghosts got their ticket out.

The rest of the day is touring that includes the Royal Palace and the Prado. Unfortunately photos werenā€™t allowed inside these places. The Royal Palace has the usual chain of spectacularly ornate rooms, mile-long dining tables, mountainous chandeliers, dazzling tapestries, velvet-covered thrones, and absurdities of scale and ostentation designed to advertise political clout. The pinnacle of the touring for me is the masterful explication of Velazquezā€™ famous painting Las Meninas (The Ladies in Waiting) at the Prado by our guide Pilar.

In that cozily modern and human-scaled museum setting, whose purpose is my edification and well-being, I feel normal again after spending so much time in those belittling cathedrals and palaces. I feel like a free, full-fledged human rather than some medieval character struggling on an animal level of existence and looking up at vaulted ceilings and palatial grandeur for some kind of validation. Wandering around seeing great art is the next best thing to soul traveling. For me itā€™s a quieting and refining, a take-off point, a runway, a rehearsal for entering the rarefied beauty of the higher realms.The Prado is the perfect appetizer for whatā€™s coming in the eveningā€”a forgiveness workshop with John Morton.

The evening was the real highlight of the day. It was a packed room, with lots of new faces, and the energy was really popping in a way that reminded me of the earlier J-R days (for me, early is the 1980ā€™s). People seemed hungry, standing on tiptoes at the starting gate, and in my perception the Traveler came in to meet them with equal force and velocity. Spirit, like electricity, has to have a completed circuit in order to flow, and the openness along the whole pathway creates some delicious high voltage. The Light was brilliant and ravishing and transporting, opening the upstairs chambers of the palaces in the headā€”much prettier than the outer ones we visited. The chandeliers were turned on, the vaulted ceilings illuminated until they dissolved and you just wanted to float up into the whiteness like the angels in the cathedrals. I was way out there, and other people told me they had the same experience. John looked happy. I think part of it was having our group immersed in the energy for a few days. We were ready to be conduits for the others, and they were ready to return the love magnified, like children do. I perceive the trip now as amped up to another level, with everyone clearer and more energized. I would venture to guess that things are really going to move from here on.

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1 thought on “Spain & Portugal Tour 2017 | The Way of the Traveler | Day 3”

  1. OMG I’ve been waiting to read David Sand’s column – his “take” & experiences of the tour! He GIVES us, gives me almost an actual experience as if I was with him walking in his shoes! Just love it! He commands the basic self – into soul level to all participate, learn and express in his writings. Please keep them articles coming David! Marjorie

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