
New Day Herald

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How Can I Know More Clearly When A Message Is Coming from Spirit?

I consider that anyone, wherever they are, has the means to come into attunement with Spirit, the divine loving presence within us all. It is here. It’s always with us. The Spirit is the greatest ally that you could ever want or need. It’s the best friend, the best lover. It’s absolutely trustworthy and reliable, and it’s something that comes through your breathing.

Through your awareness, you can notice that you have an opportunity to be more conscious in your breathing and to be more conscious that you are an instrument of Spirit. So take this moment to be more conscious of your breathing. Notice that you’re breathing in and breathing out. Breathing is not a given. It happens on purpose, and it happens beyond our control. So as much as we might think we control our breathing, we don’t. Where does your breath come from? How do you get a hold of it? Or even do you get a hold of it? How do you experience that? Is it a process where you allow it, so you’re relaxed? Are you relaxed? Could you be more relaxed? Could you be more open so that as you are breathing you cooperate more fully with the Spirit?

The transmission from Spirit comes to you from within you. The source is inside. It’s something that as you become more conscious of your breathing, you can become more conscious of this radiant energy that we refer to as the Light. So one of the things we do when we call ourselves forward into the Light is we bring ourselves into proper relationship with the Spirit.

Attuning to the Spirit can bring into you a stillness. It can also bring sensations that are related to Spirit. So when we call in the Light, you can feel the Spirit as energy that comes across your skin or the top of your head. Some people experience it as a coolness, like a breath of fresh air or a sense of relief. For others it can be energizing or vitalizing. It can also be something that you experience mentally so that your thoughts begin to shift. If you want to release anything that would interfere or restrict your experience of the Spirit, make that your choice and your intention as you call in the Light.

To experience this attunement, give yourself an intention right now to find the still point within you. It’s the place inside of you that is in perfect attunement with the Spirit. Attunement with Spirit is going to bring about greater understanding for you and help you be more relaxed and more at ease. Sometimes that calls upon us to let go of some tensions or negative concerns, but it is not a forced action. There’s nothing like that coming from the Spirit. What comes from Spirit is an invitation or suggestion for a better opportunity.

When we ask for help through attuning within, that shows our openness to let Spirit come in. The Spirit lets people who want to do things themselves have experiences with whatever serves learning and growth. The Spirit is independent of any of us and yet entirely integrated with our true nature. It’s a divine presence that’s always present and available, but it’s like the perfect gentleman or the perfect lady. It doesn’t come fully present unless it’s invited. It kind of stands back and has this perfect grace through knowing eventually everyone chooses back to the Spirit. So Spirit has perfect understanding and infinite patience for whatever is needed to serve our awakening to the divine.

It’s up to each one of us to find out for ourselves what Spirit is for us. Through your attunement, you can get to a place where you’re more and more aware of the Spirit within you. You can realize that you and the Spirit are the same such that your hand is the Spirit’s hand, your foot is the Spirit’s foot, your voice is the Spirit’s voice. You can get to that level with the Spirit through dedication and devotion with your practicing attunement.

We’re all students of the Spirit here. Once we are fully awake in the Spirit we realize none of us is less than divine which can be an invitation to forgive any judgments to the contrary. We come in standing on equal ground with the Spirit. The same ground I stand on with the Spirit, you and everyone stands on with the Spirit. So if someone says “I got this message from Spirit . . .” or “Spirit told me . . .,” attune to the Spirit within you. Check it out. Call forward the Light, ask for help within from that divine presence, and be open to the loving and learning that Spirit provides for you.

Here’s a blessing for learning to attune more fully to the Spirit within:

Lord, we give thanks for gathering us here as Your children,
showing us that You are always with us,
taking care of us, watching over us, providing for us.

You spend time with the heart and the consciousness of each one,
to fill it up with Your goodness
so each of us may know we’re entirely loved, entirely adored.

You heal whatever we might have inside of us
that seems disconnected or unclear.
You restore us. You replenish us.
You wash us, and You attire us.
We experience ourselves as clean,
in a place that’s safe,
and we are loved.

Love is shared all around.
It’s with every one.
It’s with every thing.

We take a moment in the sanctuary of where You dwell,
that loves all and cares for all.
We anchor it into this place, in this moment.

We also understand that You invite us to go forward into this world
and find the good and be those who see the good,
as that is Your way.

You remind us of our patience, our acceptance,
our trust in You.
You remind us that when we are disturbed or bothered in any way,
if we will take a moment to tune within,
You will show us the way.
You will show us the good.
You will bring our strength, our wisdom, our love to new heights,
as You are the wayshower.

We give thanks in the ways You are teaching us,
raising us to become wayshowers for those who are coming along.
You teach us again that we are to work in friendship
and find a way to do what You would do through us,
where it is always done in the perfection of Your will being done.

Baruch Bashan

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