It’s the first Saturday of 2018 and folks are sitting all the way up to the top of Prana’s Grand Staircase. We’re here in the Home of the Traveler for our annual Spiritual Spa Day with John Morton.
I wouldn’t want to be anywhere but here, wouldn’t want to be doing anything but watching the people arrive and showing them to the seats that they will use as they consider what is most important to them.
We call in the Light together and the images come, one by one.
The Mystical Traveler with open arms.
The Purple Rose Ashram of the New Age with doors wide open.
The doors of the heart opening inwards.
Let us gather together now in sacred space and time to meet and encourage each other in what is most important to us. We are those who love one another and that is as clear as the sky on this beautiful day. We are the ones who have answered the call of Spirit and have committed to living a life of kindness, caring, and joy.
Let us lay down our againstness and our illusions of separation and come again into the sacred communion of our hearts and Souls. We are those who practice forgiveness, who are letting go and letting God.
Let us walk together for awhile and celebrate our moments of knowing what is true for us. Let us be with one another in the ways that say, “yes, please do that which you understand as the highest good.”
Let us connect with who we are and know that that is the best that we can do. Let us pray for the highest good. Let us create for the highest good and let us complete for the highest good.
Thank God that the Traveler is in our midst, among us and within us.
The spiritual promise is given that those who seek cannot be denied.
Let us ask together and listen closely in the sacred space of now. The new year. The new moment. The highest of highs and beyond. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
Baruch Bashan.