
New Day Herald

Mystical Traveler Movie

Also available to buy or rent on iTunes

Sara Nahmias – Full Interview
From The Mystical Traveler Bonus BluRay Material
Jesus Garcia – Full Interview
From The Mystical Traveler Bonus BluRay Material


Leigh Taylor-Young & John Morton – Full Interview
From The Mystical Traveler Bonus BluRay Material
Tony Robbins – Full Interview
From The Mystical Traveler Bonus BluRay Material


Peter Max – Full Interview
From The Mystical Traveler Bonus BluRay Material
Vincent Dupont – Full Interview
From The Mystical Traveler Bonus BluRay Material


Mark Lurie – Full Interview
From The Mystical Traveler Bonus BluRay Material
Norma Howe – Full Interview
From The Mystical Traveler Bonus BluRay Material


Benji Shavit – Full Interview
From The Mystical Traveler Bonus BluRay Material
Dave Mason – Full Interview
From The Mystical Traveler Bonus BluRay Material


April 5 2014 | Quad Cinema New York | Photos by Henry Smith

The Mystical Traveler was honored this past weekend with an Official Selection screening and competition participation in the Havana Film Festival New York.
While John-Roger and Jsu Garcia weren’t able to be there physically, our long time ambassador Melba Alhonte stood in for the MT team, walking the red carpet, handling all press, and leading the Q&A for the event.

More than 150 people, mostly MSIA-ers, poured into the Quad Cinema in New York City on Saturday, April 6, where “The Mystical Traveler” was being shown as part of the Havana Film Festival. Folks from Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York excitedly greeted one another and settled in to watch this deeply touching and uplifting movie. Melba Alhonte had seen to it that the Festival Board reviewed the film, which was eligible for consideration because director Jsu Garcia is of Cuban descent. The Festival director welcomed us and introduced the film — as well as Melba, who took questions at the end of the movie. We’re proud and grateful that MSIA now has a beautifully made, sweeping tribute to the life, mission, and accomplishments of J-R. The many expressions of love and appreciation at the film’s end echoed and deepened our own.
Joan Beisel, Ann Webre

I saw the two-hour version of the Mystical Traveler today for the first time. I had only seen the one hour version in NY almost two years ago. What struck me and moved me so unexpectedly about Mystical Traveler was the story of the “founders” that worked with J-R to ground the Traveler’s work in California. I saw a time of innocence. I saw a time of great beauty and joy. I saw the creation of a battery that has supported me and others, in our work, throughout the world, over these many years. For this I am grateful. And, of course, I am deeply grateful to John-Roger, author of this foundation for so many lives dedicated to living in the Light. Thank you, and thank you, Jesus, for bringing this story forward.
Marc Alhonte

I love the Mystical Traveler movie. Direct, honest and inspiring life of a man focused in God and helping other people find their divinity.
Becket Moreno

Just want to say THANK YOU so so much for everything that went into the movie. I first got into MSIA in 1973 in Philly and I was blessed to know almost all of the MSIA people interviewed in the movie. I went with my girlfriend who is somewhat new to this and I kept whispering to her … “OMG, I stayed with that guy at PRANA, or I hung out at Rama’s house in Miami in 1974, etc” and I was crying for the whole movie, it was just so good. I really hope to see the LONG version before too long, I have watched a lot of the interviews on YouTube, loved the one with Dave Mason. I was at that conference where he played, he used Denise Lumiere’s guitar I think. Yes, it’s a different perspective “out here” (compared to being in LA). So I miss all of my MSIA family that was in the movie that I haven’t seen for so long. Again, thanks so much!
Michael Slom


March 8 2014 | Vibe Hotel North Sydney | Photos by Bianca Rothschild

The Mystical Traveler movie was even more wonderful second time around – it sure has a powerful energy. Everyone I spoke to at the Sydney Premiere just loved it. I had one person sitting next to me who said he would probably not stay for the whole thing – can’t sit for that long … well he was riveted to the end! We are all hoping that one day it will be released on DVD so we can own a copy.
Congratulations to Jsu once again – and thank you to everyone in LA for all your support for yet another truly blessed and wonderful Australia Conference.
Much love, Elaine Pittwood

“Wow! Words can’t capture how fantastic The Mystical Traveler movie is, which is not surprising as words can not capture how much of a gift to the planet J-R is. Such a blessing to get to see so much about J-R’s life and ministry. I cried, I laughed, I received messages and I cleared karma. Thank you JSU and J-R. I love you.”
Wendy Ingram

“On a prosaic level, the information about J-R’s journey and the early days of MSIA was both interesting and enjoyable. I got a deeper understanding of the blessings of being around J-R and I found myself wishing I could have been among those fortunate young people back then. But for me me, the greatest value was that I recognise and appreciate even more the constancy of J-R’s love and joy over the decades. I love you J-R and I am blessed to know you.”
Sumi Menon

“A very detailed documentary. Beautifully executed. Loved the way the musical themes continued on in the background long after the clip of the performer. Also loved the integration of the photographs with the movie clips.”
Adele Newberry

“This film was reinforcing in all my beingness the knowing how much J-R is loved by us all. I am going with him in the radiant realms. Loving is my expression. Always the loving allways. PS Thank you for the movie.”
Ralphy the beloved

“The Mystical Traveler Movie took me on a journey to a place and time before I found MSIA and gave me a greater understanding of John Roger and the experiences that lead to the founding of MSIA. There was the wonderful recognition of the J-R I’d met in 1987 and it was magical hearing the old stories and seeing the people who make up this great family. It was uplifting and personal. I loved this movie.”
Heather Lemaire-Beards

“The Mystical Traveler movie is such a beautiful gift, hopefully for generations to catch a glimpse of the beauty of everything J-R has brought forward into this world. I sense that I was there for the ride as I experience parallels of the inner experiences I had during the 1970s when I was a small child. I dreamed of being in a community, laughing, singing and learning about God of reality. As I watch the film I see the dreams I dreamt and know my soul was there.”
Louise Davidson

“How can I explain the effect watching J-R’s evolvement in a movie, tears of joy, a realisation that J-R is a most gifted amazing soul. Who was sent to us as the Mystical Traveler.
The movie gave me an opportunity to take in the real essence of J-R. Top see his life story will forever embedded in my consciousness.
I have never been to PRANA or WINDEMERE or LAKE ARROWHEAD. Sometimes I wished I lived in Santa Monica.
I feel J-R’s presence here on me, the tears are rolling, I am feeling completely renewed and I I can say is I love you so much J-R! I see and realise now the magnificent gift bestowed on JM> I love him so much. The frequency within me and around me is buzzing watching this movie. Well done JSU. You have done an awesome job producing the life and times of our ever amazing J-R. Love and blessing to all.”
Theodora Demos

“This is a truly amazing story. It is a story of truth and a path to learn truth, to uncover truth for ourselves.
It is also the story of a man, gifted to be of service – to all who are open to listen.
The film challenges us to look and to see, to listen and to hear, and to follow the path to truth in our ordinary lives. John Roger is a blessing to us all.”
Pauline Ann Walsh

“The movie has been a wonderful journey through the years of the Traveler’s loving work in this world. My own personal history being so vivid over the years, was revealed to me in a new light.
I didn’t know there had been a conference of Grace in 1975…. A few months later I got permission to get out of East Germany – an absolute miracle! What Grace! I joined MSIA. Then the worm was planted and the Berlin Wall came down.
And my heart and spirit opened through the Traveler. Beloved J-R, beloved John and the journey goes on. I loved sitting there for three and a half hours just being immersed in travelling through time with the beloved and those he has gathered around him doing the ministry of light….
A beautiful testimony of J-R’s life and work. Thank you.”
Ellie Andrees

“My name is Guni and I have been in the movement for 20 years or so and I have just completed year 3 of DSS.
I have always been in love with J-R’s teachings and have accepted him as an authority and a guide.
The movie however brought me closer to him and the people surrounding him on a more personal level. Suddenly I can relate more, understand more deeply about MSIA wishing I was there at the time. I would have been if not living on a different continent.
Jsu’s ability as an accomplished film maker, to put this documentary together allowed, me to link in the history of MSIA through time.
To me a missing link has been replaced. I have become a more complete part of it and that I will cherish for the rest of my life.
I love you J-R.
PS I had seen Leigh Taylor Young, Sally Kirland and JSU Garcia in the movies before I knew about MSIA and I was “strongly” drawn to them, little did I know … “
Guni Hinchey

“The film was wonderful – joyous, loving, inspiring and as I only met J-R in 1987, I was most interested to know more about the beginnings of MSIA, starting Arrowhead etc.
I found it to be a fitting, and great tribute to J-R and his years of devoted work – much of which I do not think has been revealed before.
Thanks to everyone who helped produce it. I, too say “I love you J-R”
Judith Norfor

“What a Blessing! My sister and I sat transfixed by this incredible movie honouring JR’s life. It showed amazing scenes of his childhood, before and after he received the mantle of the mystical traveler consciousness, the scope of his work he did across the planet and his love and his willingness to serve and enlighten all who are privileged to come in contact with him on all levels – endless. Thank you Jsu!”
Jennifer Campbell

“There is a saying “if all Jesus Christ did and said was written down, all the books in the world couldn’t contain it”
This is what I believe about John Roger.
This movie does an amazing job of distilling endless teachings and events into a well directed and produced movie that is hugely watchable and inspiring.
Combining history, travel, spiritual teachings, the information of many well known organizations, the loving support and all humanity threaded and overlayed with soul transcendental vibrations! Divine, palpable.
So many lives were touched by JR’s amazing life and Ministry and Millions by his inner work.
The movie captures all important aspects in a wonderful flowing way and gives something for everyone.
My personal favourite parts were the JR meetings with Sai baba, the glorious graphics of the levels of consciousness of JR’s final Baruch Bashan so FULL of his powerful divine spirit and great love.”
Irene Chlopicki

“The film is a treasure because you succeed in communicating many vitally important realities that are either of crucial importance or of profound significance. You have skillfully arranged the elements of the rich array of resources available to you capture and convey the love and dedication of JR, the love and dedication of the MSIA community, the essence of the teachings, the historical narrative of the development of JR’s message, his tenderness, humor, his ruthless self sacrifice, and JR’s extensive work around the world.

Living as I do in the edge of the Southern Ocean I can’t imagine that I’ll ever cross the Pacific and visit the United States, so I experienced the vision and sounds of the people and places of JR’s early and later life ,as missing pieces falling into place. I cannot put this experience into words exactly; the closest seems to be “more than joyfully”. You have used this film technology of Light and Sound to convey the teachings to me in a vitally new way. Perhaps others, similarly remote from the US may have similar experiences.

I am most grateful to the MSIA community of the United Sates for their generosity in making it possible to see it and to see it free of charge. I would love to see it again some day.

Indeed you have done such a superb job with this film Jsu that I think it may be an important documentary, or historical document or if you will, an “MSIA gospel” for those remote in time or place from the U.S, of the Twentieth and Twenty First Centuries.”
Paul Bennett

Build It and He Will Come: John-Roger and the Mystical Traveler Movie at the Mar del Plata International Film Festival in Argentina

In June, just before Conference, we were approached by friends of the famous Argentinian actress Graciela Borges, who told us they might be able to get the new film, “Mystical Traveler: The Life and Times of Dr. John-Roger” accepted in the annual Mar del Plata international film festival.
The festival is one of the most prestigious in the world—and the most prestigious in Latin America—and Graciela Borges is one of Argentina’s most famous actresses. If you’re from the U.S. think Meryl Streep, or if you’re from the U.K. think Helen Mirren, and you’ll get the idea.

So Graciela and her son Juan Cruz Bordeu, along with longtime MSIA’er Kate Kirby, looked for ways to get the film shown and promoted, they talked to Jsu Garcia (who directed the film along with John-Roger), and together they got the film accepted and scheduled at the festival.

Fernando de Andreis presenting one of three awards John-Roger received in Buenos Aires. (All pictured below). And right: Juan Cruz Bordeu, Jorge Telerman former mayor of Buenos Aires and National Secretary of Culture, with Jsu Garcia.

Mystical Traveler appeared on the front of three newspapers: La Capital, La Prensa and El Atlantico. See snapshots below.

The next step was getting J-R to the festival. Jsu ran the idea by J-R but didn’t get the green light until just before it started. Jsu told me, “One night I woke up in a cold sweat imagining myself at 80 years old, full of regret, wishing that I had tried harder to get J-R and the teachings out there. So I kept at it. Even if J-R indicated that he wasn’t interested in going, I would keep a travel plan available in case he changed his mind. And at the last minute he said OK. All along, I was just thinking of that movie line, ‘Build it and he will come.’ It’s been like a dream and I find it miraculous that J-R would come at the 11th hour to support the film and to spread the light to the Argentinean people.”

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Photos by David Sand

Dr. John-Roger with Jsu Garcia and Nathaniel Sharratt, at the World Premiere of Mystical Traveler – The Life & Times of Dr. John-Roger.
Held at the Leonard H. Goldenson Theatre, North Hollywood – July 5 & 7, 2013
“This movie is my love letter for John-Roger. And it was a pleasure. I am here to serve.”
– Jsu Garcia, CoDirector (with John-Roger) of Mystical Traveler
“Even after knowing John-Roger for many years, I was riveted by his story and inspired by the depth of his work and commitment to share his message of love. The Mystical Traveler movie brilliantly captures John-Roger’s life and the worldwide movement he has inspired. I was deeply moved by the film.
– Nat Sharratt, Interviewee
“Working on “Mystical Traveler” as the Editor was a once in a lifetime opportunity for me. To be able to take part in telling John-Roger’s life story was an honor and a privilege, especially since prior to working on the film, I had never heard of John-Roger. During my time editing the film, I was able to sift through mounds of material, which included audio seminars, 8mm footage, video seminars, conferences, pictures, and many candid moments which gave me an unprecedented opportunity to learn and understand the life and the man, John-Roger. The material literarily spanned from his birth, early childhood, young adult, his spiritual quests and to where he is today. There is no question that John-roger is a unique and gifted human being who has dedicated his life to helping and uplifting the love and spirit in others. I admire him and have the utmost respect for him simply based on the martial that I had available to me because the material was real, honest and truthful. Another pleasure was to be able to edit the film with special people, both close with J-R and those unfamiliar with him. This journey has certainly been gratifying, a learning experience and one I will never forget. A very special thank you to Jsu Garcia and John-Roger for allowing me this chance of a lifetime to tell the story of the Mystical Traveler.” – Josh Muscatine, Editor
“I love all the Life and Times of J-R so beautifully presented in this chronicle for the ages. I am especially appreciative of the vastness and myriad of ways so many witnesses told the story. Thank you, thank you, Jsu and crew for a labor of love worthy of the builders of the great pyramid. We have our diamond testimony in this setting for all to celebrate John-Roger for 50 years as our Mystical Traveler. Great Blessings Are.” – John Morton, Mystical Traveler
“The Mystical Traveler documentary was a moving experience of the arc of John-Roger’s life so far. I was amazed at some of the revelations of his early years and the sharing of some very sacred moments in MSIA, as well as being tickled with nostalgia of the past few decades of Movement. I loved the depth of explanations and visuals of J-R teaching us the way of Soul Transcendence. The movie is a treasure for all of us to savor for years to come.” – Mark Lurie “We left the movie theater floating. It’s a movie that changes consciousness and awakens love. We are grateful to John-Roger and all those that made the documentary possible and we will see it again at the first opportunity. ” – Paul Kaye & Shelley Noble
“The Life and Times of John-Roger is a riveting & powerful look at one of the worlds most renowned spiritual teachers. Not one stone is left unturned in this fascinating documentary.” – Jaime King
“What an amazing tribute to J-R the man, the Traveler and his teachings! I so enjoyed watching the movie with both my physical and spiritual families.
I think anyone studying within any of the organizations J-R has founded, or who has read any of his books or attended any of his seminars, would love the Mystical Traveler Movie — to both learn more about J-R’s life as well as his message.
Please let me know when and if this movie is available for purchase as I’d love to buy a copy.”
Candace Semigran, Documentary Interviewee
“Starting in 1972, I was blessed to have spent many years in a close working relationship with John-Roger, first as his lawyer, and then as his doctor. Those early days burgeoned from the need to be with J-R on a daily basis to knowing his presence in every thought, feeling, and experience no matter where I was. The Mystical Traveler movie brought me back to the place where my mystical life began. The longing to be in the arms of God. The purity of my soul standing forward, and being loved by J-R.
If you are longing to know who J-R is and was, this movie will take you there.” – Marc Darrow, Los Angeles
“Being part of the Mystical Traveler movie experience was such a tremendous blessing for me – at times joyful, other times tearful, and all the time grateful and loving.
There were moments when I found myself wishing I could have traveled with J-R or spent time with him or been born into MSIA or that I had met him sooner. But then I remembered what J-R has taught me about both forgiveness and compassion (for myself).
So I did that. And then I paused and thought “How is it that I have such a deep love for someone with whom I’ve rarely had contact on the physical level? And how is it that I know of his unconditional love for me?”
That’s John-Roger. That’s the magic, the mystery, the grace – the loving – that is the Mystical Traveler. And God bless all those amazing souls who helped him, and loved him, and cared for him, and supported him (and still do) that I may partake of the richness of his teachings today and share them through my ministry of loving service, however great or small.
Still, the little girl in me wishes I could take J-R home and play and talk and hold hands forever and ever and ever. He’s just so adorable! (and frankly, the only male father figure aside from John-Morton that I’ve had in my life).Now that the documentary is here, I can sort of do that. It exemplifies, so goregeously, the sacredness of loving relationship. And I am so grateful to be part of all of this, in whatever ways I have and can and continue to be. I am humbled, immensely.”
Malaika Lue-Hing, Production Assistant
“It was a very powerful and humbling experience to watch the Mystical Traveler film. Even though my father, Kris Sharp, had shared with me many times his personal experiences with JR and the beginnings of MSIA, I was blown away by the depth and expansiveness of JR’s work as a mystical traveler. He has accomplished so much in 50 years and we are all blessed by his life. I know I am. Being someone who grew up in the movement, I was moved to realize how MSIA came to be what it is today, and to know that my generation stands on the foundation of the hard work and loving dedication of many light bearers. I am so grateful and blessed to be apart of this spiritual family and fellowship.” – LeAnna Sharp, Oakland My Soul sings with joy in my heart as I take in all the treasures shared through this precious documentary, The Mystical Traveler, The Life and Times of Dr. John-Roger! Thank you, Jsu and all involved in making this film, for this glorious tribute to John-Roger who has spent a long life lifting and serving everyone with great loving. May it touch the hearts of all who see it.”- Dawn Jenkins, Los Angeles
“I’ve loved every minute of this movie. Working with Jsu Garcia, I really appreciated his intelligence, inspiring leadership, and his great kindness that was life changing for me. J-R already was “my man for eternity”. Researching the J-R narration, the movie stills and historical documents, was a love-feast beyond what I could ever imagine. My soul sings Thank You.”
– Barbara Wieland, Archival Researcher
“I feel like I know JR more personally now that I have seen the movie.
The Mystical Traveler Movie gave me new insight into JR the man and well as JR the Mystical Traveler.
I loved watching how he brought the teachings through and put them into action. It was also a treat to see how MSIA got started and how so many talent folks made a contribution.
I was completely uplifted by this movie! I did not want it to end.”.” – Phyllis Mitz, Los Angeles
“The Mystical Traveler movie is a joy to watch, showing so many aspects of the labor of love John Roger has given in to this world for us and many others who will follow on this path of living love. I loved seeing snippets of the evolution of the work of JR and the incredible gift of service into life he continually demonstrates for all who choose back. His life is a service of living love and an enormous gift to be unwrapped for eons to come. God Bless JR and all in this line of divine service. If you’ve ever had questions about JR and the spiritual heritage he represents, do yourself a favour and watch this factual and very interesting, heartwarming history of the unveiling of The Mystical Traveler” – Louise Davidson, Sydney, Australia
“I am extremely proud to have my name associated with this movie. It was truly a work of love.”
– Laurie Lerner, Producer
“The movie – The Mystical Traveler, the Life and Times of John-Roger – captures and brings together thousands upon thousands of “bits” from old/home movies, J-R’s seminars (and talks and interviews), still photos, interviews with John-Roger’s students, family, and friends from the last half century… and J-R’s words of wisdom, as he has shared them with individuals and groups around the world. The movie is inspiring, funny, touching, instructive, entertaining, and perhaps much more than all of that. Just like the man himself. ” – Pauli Sanderson, Interviewee
“I believe the movie offered viewers the chance to understand the depth and profound sacrifice that has gone into the ministries of our Travelers and especially J-R. I am left with a profound sense of gratitude for the gifts our beloved J-R has brought forward in the Teachings, in his service to so many, and in his demonstrating the possibilities of the loving heart and willingness to follow the Spirit, wherever it may lead. My gratitude also goes out to Jsu for helping to give us the gift of having a record of the life of J-R. It is a gift I will be able to pass onto to my future children so they too will be able to have a relationship with such an important figure in my life.” – Jeffrey Morgan, Interviewee “The Mystical Traveler” is a tour de force documentation of one man’s journey into the ever-greater expression and sharing of a loving heart, and a gentle soul, as well as a window into the miracle and contagion that occurs when love and kindness are shared. Margaret Mead stated “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has. The Mystical Traveler movie demonstrates this time and again over the course of more than four decades, how one man’s commitment to love turned into a movement that has touched millions across the globe many times over. If you have contemplated or meditated on the statement, “that you do love one another,” have a look at The Mystical Traveler, and witness for yourself the profound good that comes forward from one man’s intention of refusing to live in a world without love, and all that has been born from that choice.” – Ezra Mack


“I was swept up in a cocoon of love, joy and gratitude that lasted long after the movie ended. Someone said the movie was long? I didn’t notice.– Martha Boston, US Virgin Islands I got high, very high. When’s the last time you got to say that exiting a movie?” – Heide Banks, New York
“This documentary eloquently reflects the stunning enormity of John-Roger’s priceless body of work. His brilliant consciousness, touching humility and sensitivity, priceless humor, boundless generosity, stunning constancy of service, along with his utterly remarkable capacity to touch and transform lives is entirely evident in this masterful weaving of actual photos, film footage and testimonials. The clarity that we are in reality witnessing the life of a True Spiritual Giant cannot be missed when experiencing this … tour de force.
Jsu Garcia has undeniably proven himself to be a film maker who commands extraordinary skill, sensitivity, uncompromising authenticity, high awareness and cinematic virtuosity. Jsu has eclipsed merely showing himself to be a beloved and devoted friend to J-R – he reveals himself to be a master in his own right.
This documentary is a priceless gem of inspiration and a stunningly eloquent insight into The Traveler’s teachings, expanded all the more with The Preceptor Consciousness as lived by this extraordinary man, John-Roger.” – Rama Fox, Los Angeles
“It was fascinating watching the way MSIA started and the progression. I was aware all during the movie of feeling blessed to have been a part of it from the early days. I was in awe watching J-R’s consistent dedication to Spirit.” – Kay Clausen

“It was an honor to be interviewed and included in the movie. Looking back on the early days of MSIA and my relationship with J-R back then, I sense that I was a witness to the unfolding of MSIA, and J-R’s ministry. At times, he would tell me some of the things that were going to happen in the near future of MSIA back then, and I got to witness them come to fruition. Being a part of it all, I was witness to a lot of things as they were brought forward as many others were as well. Seeing the movie, it was a joy to see the old films of J-R’s family and him growing up. The movie was so fascinating to me and so interesting that I was shocked when it was over even though it was over 3 1/2 hrs long. It didn’t seem that long to me. J-R, I love you more than anything.” – Lee Clausen

“The documentary – “Mystical Traveler – The Life & Times of Dr. John-Roger” is one that ignites the heart and demonstrates the mystical kingdom that resides in each of us, lived by an ordinary man who served in extraordinary ways.” – Mark Harradine & Ruthie Paniagua ““Amazing information-mining that is put together to become an invaluable piece of work for the memory of our Movement for years to come. The Mystical Traveler Movie is a great way for me to connect and learn more about our origins as a Movement. It is a great way to honor JR´s life as a spiritual teacher and a powerful human being. Congratulations.” – John Marin
“The experience I lived last night with the movie touched me so profoundly that I do not feel the same about my Soul Transcendence anymore. I am much more committed and I understand better what I am doing here. It is as if I had an initiation (or many!) watching the movie. J-R is so adorable! I fell in love with him, with the teachings and with myself. I woke up this morning joyful and Lighter. I would love to see the movie again! Thank you from the bottom of my heart dear J-R.” – Nora Valenzuela, Santiago, Chile “The movie moved my Spirit profoundly. Watching J-R’s immense creativity, his ability to touch into people’s heart’s and to create organizations huge. And watching him walking his own path, while he was working with each one of us. I am sooo lucky to be his student, his initiate, his minister and his loved one – and he is mine. Thank you J-R. I want to see the movie again”. – Sylvia Giussani-Baillie, Los Angeles
“The Life and Times of John-Roger is an engaging and compelling combination of a Living Master’s spiritual teachings and highlights of his worldwide ministry told by those who worked closely with him for the past 35, 40 and 50 years. Jsu Garcia is to be commended for creating a beautifully crafted, inspiring, and uplifting movie.
Love and Blessings of Light.” – Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick, University of Santa Monica
“The Mystical Traveler Movie was an amazing Journey of the life and times of John-Roger. The experience was transcendental and was as if I was living each moment of John-Roger’s life. I walked away with his journey inside of me and contemplated how beautiful his journey is and what would my journey look like if I were to record it. The movie spoke to my heart in each and every moment.” – Julie Lurie, Los Angeles
“To be a part of this journey, to traverse this life with a Traveler is the biggest blessing in my life. And to be a part of John-Roger’s work, to have the pleasure and the gift of knowing and working with him – is beyond words. I’m so grateful. Thank you for allowing me to serve. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this movie, this ministry.”
– Zoe Golightly, Line Producer
“An inspiring and remarkable film about an ordinary man who awakened to the Spirit within himself and dedicated his life to sharing the wisdom of the Spiritual Heart. The Mystical Traveler Movie chronicles John-Roger’s extraordinary journey and celebrates the sacred, within and without.” – Jean-Marie Hamel “The movie was FANTASTIC to say the least. To see J-R on screen took the cake, and, to see where he was born. And, it was so nice watching him being so human as he lived/lives on the planet warms my heart. I bet that movie could be seen around the world. Let’s go for it.” – Margrett Gary
“The movie is such a huge work of love–bold, honest, respectful, showing so many facets of J-R–his work, his loving, his humor, his versatility, his humanness. For those of us lucky enough to have been with him through his most active years, what a high to relive them. For those who knew him later, there’s no better way to learn the story behind J-R and what one man created out of his singularity of vision, intention, and loving commitment to God. It’s not just a documentary; it is a journey into the spiritual teachings that came through the most extraordinary, yet very ordinary, simple, loving man. It will touch your heart and move you to tears, laughter, and smiles, and inspire you to explore the big expanse inside yourself. I am so grateful Jsu made this movie. Thank you is not enough.” – Jeeni Lawrence

“Watching the “Mystical Traveler” movie lifted me, once again, into recognizing the awesome gift that J-R has brought to those that know him. In watching the various periods of his life I am reminded of my own awakening and awe in the experiences that came through his presence, his words and his assistance in so many ways. The movie renews the inspiration and awarenesses that I have had in my life and I hope to see it many more times in the future. If you know J-R then you’ll love the movie; if you don’t know J-R, you’ll the movie and yourself for seeing it.” – Howard Lawrence

“As someone relatively new to the MSIA, seeing the Mystical Traveler movie assisted me in getting to know JR in a more intimate way. It filled in the blanks for me. As I connected to the humanness of his story, I began to draw nearer to him. As I listened to him explain the struggles he endured on his spiritual path, the space between the two of us began to dissolve. By the time I left the movie, I felt my heart swell. In a little more then three hours, I had fallen so sweetly in love with my Traveler! To my surprise and great delight, as I drove home, I became aware that JR had come along for the ride! His essence entered my essence– his voice spoke to me, and through me. Since then, Spirit’s presense has continued to escalate in my life making me aware that God truly is my partner…… and now I am God’s.
What a blessing! I never ever expected my spirituality to get such as boost from the movie theatre! Generally I like action-hero flicks! But then again as you get to know JR, perhaps this is an appropriate genre for him! (5 THUMBS UP! Beat’s “Super-Man” hands down!)” – Julia Snyder,Yakima”I recommend this movie about a man who transformed for much better many, many lives. And this is all about doing it from the inside out.” – Paulo Fortes, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
“The Mystical Traveler movie is a revelation — Inspiring, Moving, Lifting, Awakening, Loving, Light-filled and so much more. I could watch it again and again. I experience the sound current very alive in it, and the twaji coming from J-R’s images is so palpable. The movie opened my heart even more to how much the Traveler gives to each of us in each moment. And, there are images and film clips in the movie I’ve not seen before, stories that I’ve not heard before. I couldn’t take my eyes off of the screen. Talk about being present in the Now! Jsu, thanks for all of your work, devotion and dedication in holding the focus for this sharing about our beloved John-Roger. Really, I find my words are not adequate here to extend the depth of my gratitude to J-R and you and all involved in this documentary. Perhaps the loving of my heart will overflow to you all, that is my intention. I’m excited to see it again!Thank you. God bless you. I love you.” – Deborah Martinez

The Movie is about the Life and Times of J-R – so we are treated to a beautiful palette of experiences tracing J-R’s journey of communicating Living Love with us. I really enjoyed that there are many opportunities throughout the film to experience “twaji” with J-R, which I found powerfully brought the Spirit and J-R’s unconditional Loving present and alive in my heart. Thanks for bringing this film into the world.” – Greg Fritz

3 thoughts on “Mystical Traveler Movie”

  1. Another spiritual traveler of many realms known by many as Jesus Christus basically said do not worship me, be the consciousness that I am, that you are.

    He also said, ye are all Gods. Then I am God’s God and so are You.

    JR once told me to go and see the Face of God. I did and went to look in the mirror, I also went out of my body to look at my creation and then I went to look and saw God’s Face in all of You.

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