At this beautiful time of Christmas, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus the Christ, we want to deal in the reality of NOW, which is the very moment of eternity. – John-Roger
This Christmas message from John-Roger was first published in Merry Christ Mass, MSIA Newsletter 1981.Ā The message is just as meaningful today.Ā We share it again with you, 40 years later in 2021. Enjoy.
At this beautiful time of Christmas, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus the Christ, we want to deal in the reality of NOW, which is the very moment of eternity. The value of remembering back through the years to the birth of our beloved Lord Jesus is to make this moment more full and to make the glory of God glow as a ray of energy present with us right now, radiating out so that wherever we go, people say, “Thank God you came by.”
Lift up your heart and let its loving nature be your infinite supply, your infinite intelligence, your infinite source. That infinity, the glory that is God, is being poured into and through you so that your heart becomes a divine conductor for God and the Spirit in this world. As It activates and touches to you, you become whole with the Spirit. Then you can turn and pass it on to somebody else. It will move so fast that your fastest thought seems slow by comparison. Use the power that is yours for your own upliftment. Use it for everyone’s upliftment. Share it. Give it away. Make it your greatest gift this Christmas.
You’re blessed because you have the Spirit of God pre-sent in you. It’s so simple. There is no way you could not be blessed. The grace of God is extended to you by every loving hug from a friend, every kiss from a beloved one, every look and glance that glows with joy, by your birth into the world at this very special time, by your family, by your abundance in God’s blessings.
When you lift up your heart in remembrance of your blessings and in the glory that is God, the very movement of your body through physical space becomes the praise, the blessing, the adoration and the thankfulness, until you come to that place inside of you where you pray, “I am so very thankful, Lord, that I am born to this time, in this fullness of the Holy Spirit.”
Remember, my dear, dear friends, that we are of God. We walk through this life with God beside us as our guide. We are never alone, never separated, always loved and cared for. We are one in God’s heart. It is the promise that Jesus Christ made, and it is being fulfilled beyond our wildest hopes and dreams. Let the Presence of the Christ within you shine out for all to see, and let that be your gift to everyone this Christmas.
God bless you. Merry Christ Mass.
Baruch Bashan,
Thank you for this perfect message from JR.
Merry Christmas to all at MSIA!
What a beautiful message, Thank you so much.
Peace and Love to you all.
Wonderful Christ-mass message! Thank you Beloved JR. may the Christ Loving in each one of us bloom and blossom beyond our wildest dreams.
God Bless Us All now and Always in All Ways…
Beloved, be loved. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good life
Opening to the Christ is like the greatest brightest Christmas Tree. Thank you Lord Jesus the Christ, Thank you JR and Thank you GOD for ALL
Feeling so very, very blessed!
Thank you Father- Mother God of all Universes, Christ, Holy Spirit and Beloved Line of the Travelers for Your gifts of LOVING, PEACE and JOY to each of us!
What a beautiful Christmas Message of all time. JR, you are the best and I will always love you.