
New Day Herald

MSIA Presidency (left to right) Mark Lurie, Paul Kaye, Vincent Dupont at MSIA's Conference of the Power of Living Love in June 2023

MSIA Presidency Update – September 2023

We are pleased to announce that the Living in Grace Retreat at Asilomar Conference Grounds in Pacific Grove, California has been confirmed! It will take place December 11-17 if you want to join the fun.

Fall will begin this month (here in the northern hemisphere) and we are super excited about the PTS line-up of offerings that begin this month. There will be:

– an online Master of Spiritual Science (MSS) Year 1 class

– an online Master of Spiritual Science Program (MSS) Year 2 class

– a Doctorate in Spiritual Science Program (DSS) Year 5 class

– the first time ever Doctorate in Spiritual Science Program (DSS) Year 6 class called “Practicing Sacred – Steppingstones to Soul Transcendence”

– the first ever DSS Program in Transcendent Leadership Global Program | Year 1

If you are interested in the Transcendent Leadership Global Program, there will be a Year 1 MSS Program in Transcendent Leadership Global Program this year also.

We have been getting requests from different communities about doing local fundraising to ensure that the MSIA staff visits their area. This is a reminder that MSIA staff visits are driven by the level of interest not by local fundraising efforts. If there are enough folks who want services and/or are interested in organizing and attending an event, that directly influences travel decisions.

If there is sufficient interest in an area – i.e., service bookings and committed attendance to an event(s) of their choice, it will be included in our travel plans. Raising money to bring John and staff to your community undermines our approach which is based on being of service to the communities in response to their invitation and level of engagement – not the amount of money being put on the table.

In this context it’s worth mentioning that once staff travel to a location has been confirmed, including a fundraiser event with John Morton as part of the visit really helps defray the enormous costs of travel these days, and we very much appreciate that level of support.

We have a huge MSIA milestone coming up next year. While MSIA has been incorporated as a church for over 50 years now (June 25, 1971), Prana will hit the 50-year mark next year. The MSIA headquarters and home of Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens was purchased in August 1974. Stay tuned for more on plans to celebrate.

God Bless you and thank you for participating in MSIA and for all that you give in so many ways. As J-R would constantly remind us, “It is the loving that makes all this work.” We love and appreciate you!

The MSIA Presidency – Paul, Vincent, and Mark
MSIA Presidency Succession – David, Jeffrey, and Sherie

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