The MSIA Easter events are coming up soon. We are looking forward to the Easter Seminar with John Morton on March 29 and the Passage into Spirit & Resurrection in the Christ workshop starting the next day.
Matt Van Fossan, fabulous Prana resident and troubadour, shared with us that he got his first request for a MSIA Soul Awareness seminar from the web site Find-a-Seminar feature. The person was new to MSIA and selected the “By Request” option. They then set a mutual time for the seminar. Even though he was out of town, Matt made it work and said that it was a wonderful experience. There are currently 24 entries in the Soul Awareness seminar search. Matt has the “By Request” category all to himself at the moment, but if any Seminar Leaders want to throw their hats in the ring, just go to the Seminar Leader section of the MSIA student dashboard and go into Publish Your Seminar to include your seminar as an option to the world.
There is a marvelous selection of offerings in Find-a-Seminar from around the world. Not all of them are home seminars. Rev. Connie Stomper does a 15 min intercessory prayer call for the planet in which you can participate in daily. It has been getting rave reviews.
An event you may not have heard about, with growing participation every month, is the Being a Spiritual Scientist Graduate Speaker Series – another terrific event created by Peter Bort. Each presentation is led by a PTS Doctor of Spiritual Science graduate who shares their unique Practical Treatise journey and the tools they discovered to lift themselves into greater self-awareness. The episodes have been taking place on the last Tuesday of the month. The next one will be March 26th from 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM (PT). We have been sending out email announcements and there will be a presence on about this event soon, plus a place where students can watch any of the past episodes. Everyone is invited. Feel free to invite a friend and share the Zoom link on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, email, and any other way you want to get the word out.
Did you know that Windermere has three Texas Longhorn cows? They were a birthday gift to ranch manager Milo from his wife, LeiLani. Texas Longhorns are America’s oldest cattle breed and amazing to behold with their spectacular horns. These cows were bred specifically to be friendly, so they fit right in at Windermere.
Texas Longhorn cows at Windermere Ranch
God Bless you and thank you for participating in MSIA, and for all that you give in so many ways. As J-R would constantly remind us, “It is the loving that makes all this work.” We love and appreciate you!
The MSIA Presidency – Paul, Vincent, and Mark
MSIA Presidency Succession – David, Jeffrey, and Sherie
I added your photo to my screen saver!
Thanks pals. I miss you.