
New Day Herald

On the Way to Spiritual Awakening

What is the Position of Jesus the Christ in MSIA?

Question: What is the Position of Jesus the Christ in MSIA?

Answer: The word Christ means the anointed, the savior, and the messiah. In MSIA, we teach that the Christ consciousness is a spirit form, and the office of the Christ is what holds that Spirit form. The Christ energy has been present on the planet since ā€œin the beginning.ā€ Many people have held the office of the Christ down through history, Jesus the Christ having filled it more fully than any other being. Jesus held the office of the Christ during the years of his public ministry and brought together all aspects of that spiritual consciousness in a way that had not been done before nor in such a magnificent way.

The Christ Consciousness is a universal consciousness of pure Spirit. It exists within each person through the Soul. The Christ action is an ushering of you into your Soul so you can know yourself as the one who comes forward and fulfills the promise of the Christ —- to do what the Christ does and even greater.

The Christ Spirit is an invisible part of us. It is a God part of us. When Jesus manifested the Christ Spirit in the world, it became easier to recognize it and realize that each of us has an indwelling aspect of that consciousness within ourselves. When you call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, you are calling on the energy line that was brought forward some two thousand years ago. It was brought forward during that dispensation because of the certain needs of mankind at that time, and it continues to exist today.

Jesus Christ is the head of MSIA, which is an organization dedicated to the teachings of Soul Transcendence. Jesus taught that the spiritual abilities he manifested were available to all men and women. “The kingdom of heaven is at hand” [Matthew 4:17 KJV]. Before you can demonstrate the abilities, you need to awaken to your inner divinity. The more you awaken to the true reality of who you are as a Soul and as one with God, the more those abilities become available to you.

In MSIA, we are dedicated to Soul Transcendence, and because we have that dedication, it’s like knocking on the door and saying, “God, can I come home now?” Jesus as the Christ set it up so the door ā€œhomeā€ is accessible and available to open and to any soul asking for the Light so none could be refused. We hear that Jesus died for our sins. That’s a fine interpretation, and I don’t have a problem with it. However, it’s more accurate and clearer to say that Jesus lives for our Soul.

The Christ action is an ushering of you into your Soul so you can know yourself as the one who comes forward and fulfills the promise of the Christ — to do what the Christ does and even greater. By choosing into the Christ Consciousness, you take yourself to a deeper level of commitment, a greater willingness to place God first in your life. Whatever choice you’re making toward what would be the highest good is a choice toward God first. So, in each moment, you can ask yourself, ā€œWhere can I most directly come to God? What will bring me closer to God in my consciousness?ā€ And the first place to go is to the altar inside.

John-Roger said that as you move through all the experiences that come to you, both in the outer world and in the inner levels of your consciousness, and as you use empathy, loving and forgiveness as the criteria for your behavior, you awaken to the inner wisdom of the Christ. You are the only one who can recognize the Christ within you. You are the one who can make the Christ a living reality in your life and who can demonstrate the unconditional loving and forgiveness that indicate the presence of the Christ.

We can claim the kingdom of heaven now and bring it forth so that we can restore the glory of God on Earth. We can all be a vehicle for the Christ to walk upon the planet here and now. That takes courage, but courage is a consciousness of the heart. So bring forward the courage to live in your heart, to prepare a place for the Christ to live and reign as you through your loving and forgiveness. You can be one who stands in and shines in the Lordā€™s grace, the glory of God. You can be one whose harvest overflows, blessing you and others and creating the place for the Christ to reign on Earth.

Scripture refers to Jesus saying, ā€œLo, I am with you, even to the ends of the worldā€ [Acts 13:47 KJV]. That sounds to me like he’s sticking around. So it isn’t about a second coming of the Christ. He came, and he’s here through the Holy Spirit. So we claim it, and we act upon it. And we join with those who are also doing that action.

How do we know those who claim the Christ? By those who are doing good works, loving one another, and remembering the words of Jesus, ā€œInasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” [Matthew 25:40 KJV].

Baruch Bashan

7 thoughts on “What is the Position of Jesus the Christ in MSIA?”

  1. Thank you John for such a lovely article on the Christ. I feel even more inspired to “go to the altar inside.” I especially found it valuable to hear that “Jesus held the office of the Christ during the years of his public ministry and brought together all aspects of that spiritual consciousness in a way that had not been done before nor in such a magnificent way.” Acknowledging Jesus in this way feels really good.

  2. Elizabeth Baralt

    It’s wonderful to read John’s words during the day we celebrate Jesus’birth. Thank you John for inspiring me.

  3. Thank you John! This article spoke to that ‘altar’ within and comforted my disturbances. Thanks! As a first year MSS student, I’m reading NDH articles, more often, and finding them supportive in my homework and in my dedication to the Traveler’s teachings in a wonderful new way! Thank you. I love you, Lesley C.

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