
New Day Herald

Planting A Peace Pole in Argentina

On Easter Sunday (4/24/11), IIWP Reps Graciela Arredondo and Mercedes Gonzalez organized the planting of a peace pole in Tamberias, San Juan Province, Argentina. The event took place at the home where Graciela lives. Graciela and Mercedes have helped Cristina Rivero (the IIWP Rep in Neuquen, Argentina) in peace pole ceremonies in years past, and this is their first event as co-IIWP Reps in their community.

Hereā€™s a report from Graciela Arredondo:

Hi Debbie!
The event was wonderful.
It began at 11:30 am, 24th April 2011. We did the planting of the peace pole, we did the peace prayer, we read the brochure and we gave them a copy of all materials. It finished at 12:15. After lunch, Marcela and Adrian played music to celebrate the peace pole.
Those present were: Anibal Roque Hernandez, Mercedes Gonzalez, Cristina Rivero, Luis Taiana, Delia Ayala, Diana Berengue, Rosemarie Jeangros, Lana Barreira, and two new people ā€“ Marcela and Adrian. There were also two children: Micaela (11 years old) and Delfina (3 years old), and me (Graciela Arredondo).


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