
New Day Herald

Top 10 Easter Seminars


Are You Experiencing Divine Punishment? MP4 [Learn More]

In this English/Spanish Easter seminar, John Roger encourages us to keep bringing ourselves back to this awareness: God is good, even when the world is pulling at us and we feel persecuted. God is good.

J-R suggests, “What if God loves us so much that God wants us back in Its presence?” But to get there, we have to burn off the dross of this world.

That’s what we’re doing here.

Being One Who Loves the Lord? MP3 [Learn More]

John-Roger has a very down-to-earth and practical way of looking at life, as well as an unusually practical way of looking at some of the information in the Bible.

In this seminar, which was recorded between Passover and Easter, he demonstrates both those ways of looking. While he covers a lot of territory, including revealing why we are often afraid to accept God as our partner in life, he spends a good portion of this seminar talking about how earthly families are models of the spiritual family of God. He speaks about love and how those people following the teachings of the master teacher, The Traveler, are also family.

J-R says, “In the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness, as soon as we stop loving each other, this (MSIA) will disappear, because it functions upon the basic structure and foundation that God loves all of Its creation. And that’s us, and isn’t that nice?!”

Choose you This Day MP3 [Learn More]

In this special Easter seminar, John-Roger reminds us that we don’t have to do anything, but what we choose to do, we can. He shows us how we can choose to do it and not have to, if we don’t want to.

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Christ Has Risen MP4 [Learn More]

You probably aren’t addicted to anything — you know, food, sex, youth, alcohol, money, promotions…addictions. But If you were addicted, this would be a seminar to pay attention to. In it, John-Roger spells out exactly how to break an addiction! Recorded Easter, 1991, J-R reminds us that the Christ is a living presence within the kingdom of heaven inside each of us. The Christ teaches us to forgive ourselves for the behaviors that don’t work and to practice more of the behaviors that do.

Christ Is Forgiveness MP4 [Learn More]

In this important and dynamic seminar delivered at Easter-time, John-Roger tells the story behind some events that occurred during the life of Christ. He creates for us a living, breathing experience of the person Jesus and the job he did, which we call The Christ. What was Christ all about? The opposite of running the past on people: forgiveness.

Doubting the Ever-Present Christ? MP3 [Learn More]

Using poetry, stories from the Bible, experiences from his own life and even observations of the current TV schedule, John-Roger gives a moving and full account of the life of Jesus in this Easter seminar. “Prior to Jesus the Christ, both the outer and inner worlds were under the influence of the negative power,” J-R says.

Then the Christ came onto the planet and there was a big change. “The Inner life became the Kingdom of God,” he goes on. “We are already in the Kingdom of Heaven,” J-R says.”Now we’re still learning how to live there.” And in case you question whether the Christ is connected to you, J-R reminds us, “Jesus Christ said, ‘Lo, I am with you, even unto the end.’ ”

Restoring the Kingdom of Heaven MP4 [Learn More]

Recorded Easter Eve 1998, John-Roger quotes Jesus when he said, “Suffer little children to come unto me, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” Kingdom of Heaven! Think about it. J-R says, “It’s a wild idea, isn’t it, a Kingdom of Heaven, particularly since Jesus also said that the Kingdom of Heaven is within.” Huh? In this sweet seminar, filled with the Spirit of the Christ, J-R shows us the Kingdom of Heave and gives us incentive to do whatever it takes to live there now.

Resurrection To The Newness MP4 [Learn More]

This seminar is John-Roger at the top of his form. It was recorded at a Passover/Easter weekend when J-R looked at the idea of resurrection, but not from the traditional approach of ‘That was when Jesus died and was reborn.’

Instead, J-R examined the resurrection from his own unique viewpoint. One of J-R’s most unusual thoughts is about the Angel of Death and the resurrection. He says, “No one has really looked at the Angel of Death in the true sense of what it is. Maybe, just maybe, we might want to be slain by him, because the Angel of Death is the Angel of Liberation.”

J-R speaks of many things in this fascinating seminar but the organizing thread is resurrection and what it means in our lives.

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The Point of Salvation MP4 [Learn More]

This is John-Roger’s seminar given live via satellite on Easter Eve, 1997. J-R starts this seminar about salvation with a powerful evocation from St. Patrick, “…Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left…”

In his seminar, J-R takes a look at our individual levels of faith which result in our running around trying to find someone to take care of us, or which result in fears about living our lives and dying our deaths. J-R says, “The Lord said that he would save us and he went into the city and tried to heal people but their lack of faith would not allow them to be healed…”

“I’m a future person,” J-R says, “and it’s not too far in the future when the God consciousness will reign on the planet in and around all of us. And we’ll have a sense of a high level of consciousness.” Then what is going to save us?

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How do You Know You’re on a Spiritual Path? MP4 [Learn More]

At Eastertime 1996, John-Roger gave a seminar which belongs in every library for frequent review.

In it, he reminds us that each of us is responsible for our life. The life we’re dealt is exactly what we have “paid-for.” If we want a different kind of life, we have to work for it; we’re not cut any slack on this…well…hardly any

J-R spells out some of the slack we can cut for ourselves and the indicators that let us know we are on a spiritual path.


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