
New Day Herald

Adeline Roberts, A Seminar Leader From Melbourne

My first sight of J-R was a home seminar at our local Rep’s home in Melbourne Australia. When I was in town I would long to visit her for the home seminar. I was a flight attendant at the time so, going every week was out of the question.  My job took me around the world so I decided I would get in touch with someone from MSIA  LA and find out if a home seminar was being held in the city I was in.  Some of the places I attended seminars were New York, Virginia, Santiago, Argentina, Sydney, Adelaide and Brisbane.

One evening when I was in New York, I rang up the Rep and she gave me the address where a home seminar was being held. I caught a taxi and proceeded on my journey. The driver was from the Middle East. We started talking and he couldn’t believe my husband was home looking after the children whilst I was travelling the world. For a moment  I thought about what I was going to tell this guy about being an equal with my husband. I heard J-R saying we should be like an oak tree and a pine tree, growing side by side but neither over shadowing the other. I felt J-R speaking through me. The J-R quotes just kept coming.

When I finally reach my destination the cabbie looked at me and asked, “Are you sure you have the right address this is not a safe area?” I paid him and got out of the cab. He said he would wait until I was inside. I rang the door bell and a man’s voice said, “Come inside.” The door opened and a flight of dark stairs greeted me. This did not look good. I ran back into the cab and we started the journey home. The cabbie then asked me to tell him more about being a women in the Western World. I felt so relaxed letting J-R talk for me.

When I finally got to bed that night I felt a little disappointed at missing out on my home seminar. When I put my head down to sleep J-R’s voice came to me and said, “You gave the seminar tonight.”

So you see home seminars can come in any form. I am now coordinating seminars for Melbourne, so if you are ever in Melbourne please come and visit me.

Love always,

Adeline Roberts

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