
New Day Herald

Inner Vision & Outer Sight

This is the text of John-Roger’s talk at the end of EYECLASSES, a 2½ day intensive program exploring the many dimensions of vision. It was given at the Conference of Expansion in July, 1981.

Have you found out that a lot of your vision difficulties are emotionally based inside of you? When you start to confront the difficulties, do you find the emotions come churning up like steamrollers? That’s the good news and the bad news. The good news is that it is out. The bad news may be, “Guess who put it there?” And if you put it there once, guess how easy it will be to do it again. It’s so easy. When you say “I should” or “I can’t” or “I won’t” or somehow label anything against yourself, your body starts responding internally to produce those results for you.

If you can just see what you are really looking at and not be responsible for what you think you should see, there’s a good chance that everything around you will improve.

There is always a hitch that seems to make that statement not true. And it’s this: why can’t I say, “I’m a millionaire,” and have my consciousness start responding so that I’d become a millionaire. Because you have to take those positive actions that produce the millions.

The negativity works differently. This planet is referred to as the negative planet only because there is another type of higher consciousness that is referred to as heaven. So the heaven and hell syndrome can be present right here based on your attitude. The physical body is negative; the imagination is negative; the emotions are negative; the mind is negative and the unconscious is negative. The Soul is positive. So to counterbalance one negative, you have to do five positives. In fact, you need to do five positive expressions on each of the five levels and then you have created one positive result against the negative. If you do just one positive thought that is insufficient. You have to do 24 more positives to create a movement toward change. If you get to 24 (out of 25) and say “This isn’t working”, you have to start over at 1.

Now, what if it isn’t working? Instead, you might want to say “I haven’t noticed the change.” The word change is put into your consciousness. By saying it this way you are reinforcing the change. The last couple of words you put out of your mouth go back and record inside of you.

If you say to a little kid, when he picks up a precious dish, “Don’t drop that!” the dish almost invariably drops to the floor. What could you say? How about “Hold it tight.” This many sound silly and ridiculous, but the words you speak start lining up the response. Of course there may be a prior condition to the moment of holding it tight. When the child shows up, you can put the dish where the child can’t get to it. That is also a positive direction. Then he can play freely. And you can be free, instead of watching him all the time to make sure that he does what is necessary and proper. When you can go to the prior condition of your event, you’ll usually find the cause and the cure.

During the EYECLASSES training you dealt with memory patterns. This can provide information of the conditions prior to the event of limiting your vision and using glasses. These conditions may be patterns of emotional trauma—which is the case 9 times out of 10. And a lot of these patterns go way back. Medical professionals, ophthalmologists and eye doctors, are finding out that physiological or anatomical discrepancies are controllable and can be changed by the frequency of the thinking and the content of the feeling. What that is really saying is “mind over matter.” If you watch the patterns of your thoughts and emotions, you can start changing.

If someone is talking to you, it’s nice to say, “I see, I see …” It will reaffirm clear seeing. It doesn’t mean you understand it; all it is saying is that you are perceptive to what is going on. Affirming the seeing starts change. It will begin to awaken what has been asleep, what has been retired. The affirmation starts to wake you up; it shakes you, focuses you upon it, and you’ll start dropping back into it. If that part of you that is perceptive has been asleep, you’ll start to feel sleepy. That just follows, like the sun and the evening, then the sun, then the evening. Pretty soon you can’t tell if the sun came up first or went down first before it came up. And it doesn’t make any difference because if you want to see at night, you use a flashlight. In the daylight, you use the sun. You can see in either light or dark if you adapt by your attitude. The time you say “I can’t” or “I won’t” or anything like that, you run your own creativity against yourself, and what you get is what you deserve because you’re the one who made it.

We have some statements or guidelines:

1. Use everything to your advantage.

2. Take care of yourself so you can take care
of others.

3. Don’t hurt yourself and don’t hurt others.

The big key is to use everything to your advantage. If you do that wherever you go, then that will be your set—mentally, emotionally, physiologically. You might say, “Does using a situation to my advantage mean I take away from you?” No, that’s why we add the statement, Don’t hurt yourself and don’t hurt others. It sets you up to be good for yourself and others whether you want to be or not. The nice thing about that is if somebody comes knocking on your door, you don’t have to run and hide. You open the door and say, “Come in,” because you are free and open in your consciousness. The result is that you are not doing anything against yourself or anybody else, so whoever wants to look, can look. There may be some who will try to make you wrong. If you have done something that isn’t to your advantage, correct it and move it to your advantage. I haven’t found anything yet, even in the most disastrous, terrible situation, that in it I couldn’t find out how to switch that to an advantage. Did I have to go way out? Oh, yes! But, lo and behold, that is the way the situation turned out! When I thought it was too far out to even consider the idea, that was the idea that turned everything around.

If you can’t see now, your penchant for honesty says, “Oh, I have to be honest, I can’t see now, I can’t.” You could say, “I’m going to claim that I can see. I’m going to claim, as a real step of faith and belief, that I am going to see. That’s going to be the carrot in front of me—I can see.”

Whatever your limitations and inhibitions are, look at them very closely, because, in truth, who you are is a conscious, spiritual, loving person. You don’t have any limitations. That isn’t a license to hurt anybody. You have no limitations. And if you’re not going to hurt yourself, you can’t hurt somebody else, for the simple reason that we are all the same person. We’ve all breathed the same air and I don’t know how many times. But if we are made up of that air and those molecules then we’ve got each other mixed together very much. Moses breathed the air we breathe. So did Jesus and Buddha and all the other saints and sages from every religion and creed. We have part of their essence working within us, too. The bad news is that we may also have too much of our own negativity working.

There is an old statement that I used to hear: love is blind. I saw one of my friends getting married and he sure seemed blind. (“Nobody would marry her!”) He was marrying her and he had good vision! So what was he seeing? He was seeing what was behind what was apparently there. He was seeing a fantastic mother, a fantastic wife, a fantastic partner. They went away, came back about 8 months later, and she was pregnant. She was absolutely transformed. Here she was, really big with baby, and she had put on extra weight. By every measurement possible she didn’t measure up to anything. And she was absolutely gorgeous. And I caught what he saw. One of my friends looked at me and said, “What is it?” I said, “Well, look at her.” He sat back and just watched her, then leaned over and said, “There is something that is real attractive about her.” He started giving a little space. The more he looked, the more he saw her inner beauty.

She had the baby, and together they looked like a picture of the Madonna and a Christ child. it was a totally amazing thing that she was transforming our stupidity right in front of us by doing nothing except being who she was and doing what she did. She didn’t wear glasses, either. That was twenty-some years ago and I followed the family. None of them wear glasses—he doesn’t, she doesn’t, the kids don’t. And what a nice family they are to be around. They’re just real people who have their ups and their downs. When they are up, that’s good, when they are down, it’s a rough time for them, and they are working to get up. Most people go down and focus on the down so long that when they go up, they still are looking down. What you have to do is to continue to change your focus to whatever is present, and to just see it as it is, not as you think it should be. And the interesting thing is that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. So whatever you want to see, you can just make it come out that way. You have to know that.

When you become actively involved in the process of awakening to what is so in your life, you can become transformed. You can drop a lot of years off your face and appear so much younger and more vibrantly alive.

Whether I am with you or away from you has nothing to do with you. But if I am with you and then I leave you, you may think it’s against you. In reality, it’s just that I have other things I have to do. You could take my actions and twist them against you. You could say, “You don’t love me, you’re against me.” And who would want to see that? Nobody. So you shut down your field of vision so you don’t have to see. Who wants to see being perceived as a fool or something like that? Nobody. So you close down so you don’t see it. First of all, you close down inside and get rigid and start having “no feelings.” Then you walk around not living your life in terms of the excitement that’s available to you as a person. When you reverse the patterns and decide to see, those energy fields that been asleep start coming alive. They may have been loaded up with all sorts of negativity that now must be released. As they surface, they are saying, “You did this.”

I would suspect that if you are really going to keep developing to see in the most clear way possible, you may still have to deal with issues, not necessarily understanding issues, just energy release issues that will come up. They may come flooding up so forcefully, you’ll feel like you are drowning or choking. You may experience feelings of fear, anxiety or hatred. And interspersed with those will be calm and loving and joy, but those positive feelings may not be as present at first as some of the other stuff. The good news about that is, guess where all the negativity is going? Away from you. Hopefully, you’re just saying, “Out!” and let it go.

As you are observing your energy patterns, you may want to pay attention to your body language. If you find yourself sitting in what we call a closed body position, with arms crossed over your chest, you might want to check out why you are doing that. Are you shutting off energy and blocking yourself from seeing and experiencing? Or are you comforting yourself and not really blocking off all that much energy? When we speak of energy that flows though the body, just to cross your arms over your chest can be very comfortable—because you are comforting yourself. Then you have to ask yourself the question, “What am I doing inside of me right now that needs comforting?” Maybe it’s really simple. Maybe the air conditioning is on an it’s cold in the room. That’s physiological, that makes sense. That’s comforting you.

Maybe it’s emotional: “I really feel a lot of disturbance to my stomach and chest because of some work we’ve been doing and I’m just comforting myself because it feels like I’ve been hurt or something.” If that’s so, then uncross your hands. You don’t want to comfort that part of you because it’s working against the great you. So don’t comfort it. By comforting it, you are just going to keep it there and let it quiet down and keep it comfortable. It will quiet down and then you will feel okay. But guess what? You didn’t deal with it. If there is really a fundamentally good reason for sitting with arms crossed, that is not going to do anything bad to you. I just want you to understand that. Make sure your motives inside and the intention behind crossing your hands are clear.

One key in everything you do should be to get you more freedom inside of yourself, not necessarily out in the world, but inside of yourself. It is inside that you really live. The inner environment is almost 98% of your beingness.

You spend more time rehearsing and talking and going over your problems than it might take to solve them. Do yourself a favor and don’t rehearse your problems. It doesn’t serve you to go over them and over them and over them. Once is enough. The bad thing about rehearsing is that whoever you talk to, you talk about your problems. You rehearse your act in front of them. I suppose the best thing to do is to just let your problem go and keep coming back to the present. You may make mistakes doing that because it is new to you. I understand your wanting to do old stuff because you do it really well. Even talking about a negative problem you can come off looking good because you’ve got it down. When you go for a new expression, you are going to stumble and falter, and then you’ve got to deal with maybe looking bad. All you have to do to deal with that is just tell somebody, “Yes, I stumbled and fell.” And all you’re saying to them is, “I’m smarter now than I was when I stumbled and fell because I recognized it and I am correcting it.” That is a real statement of advancement, and you can use it all the time.

My eyes are God’s eyes.
I see with the eyes of Spirit.
I see clearly the open way.
There are no obstacles
in my path.
I see clearly the perfect plan.

– John-Roger

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