
New Day Herald

Day 2 of the Spiritual Principles of Health and Well Being Workshop

John Morton at day 2 of the MSIA Conference workshop
John Morton at day 2 of the MSIA Conference workshop

Good Lord it’s day two already of the Conference workshop and sitting here, as I look around, I am surrounded on all sides by the dearest Souls. Spirit has created a circle of loving around me. Rachael Jayne once again welcomes us all, and then calls in the Light.

Once we’ve chanted together, Rachael announces the free workshop of “Spiritual Principles of Health & Well-being” taking place this summer! These are 3 classes in a tele-workshop to assist all of us to enhance our health, and make it easy to support us in our 30 day commitment for greater health and well being.

For those of you not at Conference, please check out these tele-workshops — 3 days of classes offered at two different times.
Choose between a Tuesday or Wednesday series to accommodate your time zone. Pre-registration required.

Series 1: Tuesdays, Aug 3, Aug 17, Aug 31 7:00-9:00pm PDT
Facilitated by John Cawley and Debbie Roth
To register for Series 1, go to:

Series 2: Wednesdays, Aug 4, Aug 18, and Sept 1 4:00 – 6:00pm PDT
Facilitated by Diane Botticelli and Tracy Uttley

To register for Series 2, go to:

You will also need to purchase a copy of John-Roger and Paul Kaye’s new book “Living the Spiritual Principles of Health & Well Being” through Amazon, or your local large bookstore. Please contact Debbie Roth for more information on the tele-workshops.

Rachel then introduced our very unique Paul Kaye, who proceeded to share about Windermere and the horses and their qualities, featuring the new quality of “Harmony”. We had a short partner process, and three of us together discovered we all choose “loving.” I told you! I was in a circle of Love. True. If you want to participate with the IIWP horse qualities, the please contact Debbie Roth for more information.

And so our second day’s workshop is now starting, and we’re covering sugar! Or, less sugar ….. and after much laughter Paul gave us so much information, we just kept laughing. Until, Paul told us how the body tells us “F. … U…!”, we all lost it, the room was in an uproar. Laughter is inner jogging J-R has told us, so we’re all running a 24 K marathon inside.

No. I can’t tell you about the vodka. No, I agreed not to tell you what secrets are in this workshop, remember? You had to have been there! But Paul did give one of my favorite quotes of J-R about health. [I know you can find it in the little book, Living Love from the Spiritual Heart, at the top of page 29.]

Paul kept sharing, to applause and more applause, till he finally told us once again how to “F…. O…..”! Now, I think our inner jogging has lost us 20 pounds in 20 minutes already! The room is in another uproar! I don’t think we can take this any longer so Paul now introduces our Conference pair of Docs, Dr. Phillip Barr, and Dr. Marc Holmes once again to share with us.

Lets just say they talked “doctorese and medicalease” language in simple human language so we could understand it very well. Soon Diane Botticelli was on stage sharing her good homey practical tips as well. I can’t reveal what they said, but trust me, it was very, very good.

Then Paul introduced our first partner exercise of the day. Ah, sweet. These are awesome, and the workbook PTS has given us has got to be one of the finest yet for Conference.

John Morton arrives as the Mystical Traveler and turns up the energy even greater, taking us from Health to the Wealth part of our weekend! My own awareness is finally coming to me, it began at the Reps meeting — “Health is loving who you are” — of loving my self more, and as I do so, I lift up into a well of Beingness! From this well of beingness, I access even greater health and lovingness.

John Morton the Mystical Traveler takes on the role of Auctioneer, and bidding keeps building with fine paintings, jewelry, rings, necklaces replete in gold and diamonds. Somehow this Conference of Health, Wealth and Happiness includes the sharing of the wealth, and a parade of Products assistants come out with their baskets of gifts and just keep passing the gifts out to us. Once again, Christmas in July is being demonstrated, teaching us about being open to receive and being able to turn around and give to another.

We soon moved into the sacredness of sharing, those personal heart sharings with the Traveler that everyone travels to this heartland to partake in. Just know, we are all loved, we are all blessed, and we are all Divine.

I walked into the grand ballroom again after lunchtime for the afternoon session, and found myself listening to the wonderful easy listening old time music. Thanks NOW productions – this helps us digest better. I settled into quiet as Rachael Jayne introduced Alisha Hayes and the next thing we all knew – everyone was on their feet Soul Dancing with God as their partner! A crazy happy, ballroom of people have turned into a giant dancing machine! I hear “Oy, Oy Oy” from the Aussies to the musical beat.

Excitement still builds because we of course have two more raffle drawings for the Blessings Fest to take place on Monday morning. Next Zoe Golightly shares about the Lake Arrowhead PAT training for the young in heart!

Here comes Paul Kaye! And he starts immediately sharing about how it’s not about what we eat. Oooops. I can’t tell you anymore what he said, it’s confidential. I can hint, can’t I? Okay, it’s, “Breathe Baby, Breathe!!” And once again, our Doctor Phil comes to share with us too, followed by Marc Holmes.

Finally came our last partner exercise of the day. When we were complete, John Morton came up for more sharing, as J-R sat with us, in the back of the ballroom. What a sweet and magnificent ending with the personal sharings with the Travelers and Michael Hayes to bring completion to our Workshop of the Spiritual Principles of Health & Well-Being.

Not quite folks. The real ending part of this Conference workshop is the magnificent dinner and entertainment afterwards! Once again, I sat at a table surrounded by loving and watched such moving entertainment. Our MC’s for the evening were Wayne Pepper and Joey Hubbard who called in the Light before our dinner. I’ll tell you who came up on stage bringing their love and sharing forward to us all and you can look at the pictures, these are in order:

1. Charlie Verge and Alethea Lamb – playing guitar and clarinet, singing: “Mystery of Love.”

2. Josh Hayes and his band, singing and playing guitars, a song from Guns and Roses called: “Sweet Child of Mine.”

3. Eric Lumiere, playing guitar and singing, “Grace and Concrete”.

4. Cheri Stark singing “On the Steps of the Palace”.

5. Lucy Dickinson, playing keyboard and singing “Prayer of God”.

6. Gabe Morgan – also playing keyboard and singing “Movement”.

7. Penelope Bright entertained us by telling us what the movement of spiritual inner awareness “really is”.

8. Danny Safron sang “Hu and Me,” to the music of “You and Me, so happy together”.

9. Ariel Downs sang a different kind of song, “Feeling Good,” that knocked everyone’s socks off.

10. James and Karen Hassett sang and played guitar in a mellow “Always”, song.

11. Valerie Ojeda also sang a song, “Gravity”.

12. Denise Lumiere also sang, “You Raise Me Up.”

13. Clara Jaramillo sang the “Bird Song.”

14. Then Miriam Reiss did a Comedy routine of the 7 principles of endurance.

15. Kim Guisinger sang an old goody from the 60’s, dedicating it to J-R, “To Sir With Love”.

16. Eric Raleigh was back up on stage, singing and playing on guitar the song, “In Your Eyes.”

17. Jennifer Halet had us almost crying with her comedy about Prana, and Prana residents, in which she included “John Morton as Prince Charming,” and “J-R as the King,” unless he took personal sharing, then “he was King-Kong”.

18. Finally the evening’s end was the Chavez Sisters on stage with their friends in the band to perform a medley of songs. Guitars, conga drums, etc. Now, the whole room was on their feet, with their hands clapping as they danced in the aisles. The room was in a musical uproar.

This is the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness after two days of workshop and a long night, finally manifesting as dancing with God.

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