
New Day Herald

An “Open Day” at Prana, MSIA’s Headquarters and Home of the Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens

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The Open Day at Prana, intended as an open house of sorts for people who have never visited the Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens, couldn’t have been planned on a more lovely day, and the splendid white building lay glistening in the sun like a jewel in its setting, encircled by the lush green of the gardens. Even though I’d been at Prana before, when the taxi dropped me off in front of the building, the sight of it’s beauty made me pause to admire it.

Registration for the tour of the house and gardens took place in the main hall. The hall is a beautiful sight to behold! The floor, ceiling, chandelier and light fixtures all are fabulous accompaniments to the magnificent stairway that spirals upwards. The woodwork invites a closer look at the exquisite carving.

Kevin McMillan introduced us to Carol Jones, Helen Bradley and Marie Leighton, so that we’d know who to approach just in case there were any questions. Kevin took the group on a tour of the house and told us some interesting things from the building’s checkered history. For instance, did you know that Prana has 34 residents, mostly staff and volunteers? And did you know that the house was acquired in 1974, when it was sort of like an Ashram? And then in the early 90’s it became known as a Seminary. I didn’t know any of that! I love knowing trivial bits and pieces like that!

Kevin also told us that an earthquake in 1994 caused some major damage to Prana, and that the rebuilding has included restoration to some of it’s former glory. Not only structural things such as the balustrade on the roof, but also small features of beauty such as plaster figurines and plaques on walls.

Future plans for Prana include such things as expansion of the dining room, and a seating area or decking overlooking the Labyrinth. The intention is to make Prana a place of Beauty and Peace, almost like a spiritual day spa, allowing people to luxuriate in spiritual exercises, indulge in an MSIA Service (aura balance, polarity balance, innerphasing) or two, and finish the experience off with some delicious refreshments in the new spacious dining room. Where can I book in…?!

Marie took us all on a tour of the gardens. From the more formal and utilitarian patio area to the secluded and relaxing Meditation Garden, the care and love bestowed on the gardens was evident. Everywhere the plants are healthy and relatively insect free, and the ponds are clean and clear and have fish in them. And did we glimpse a deva or two…?

One of the visitors I chatted with had not been in contact with MSIA before, and she admired the garden greatly. She said that anyone that can create such a sacred garden as this, simply HAD to be in touch with Spirit.

Refreshments were next. Set out under a parasol on the basketball court, the table was covered with a huge glass container filled with iced tea, and trays of cookies. Yum — chocolate brownies, chocolate chip cookies, and (as one of the younger ladies in the group told me) something called pecan sandies. We chatted and relaxed in the shaded seating areas in this lovely garden, and sipped our iced tea and nibbled homemade cookies — very civilized! More tea, anyone?

Carol told us about the Labyrinth, when it was designed and constructed, what the concepts underlying a labyrinth are, and some more interesting things about this particular one. If you come along on the next Open Day, I can recommend this interesting talk. We all had the opportunity to walk the labyrinth, and some of us braved the sun and the heat to do so.

After a little time where we could explore the building and gardens by ourselves, we gathered in the dining room for a scrumptious dinner cooked by Prana’s inimitable chefs Claudie and Guillaume Bott

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