
New Day Herald

“God is My Partner” — Living The Spiritual Principles of Abundance & Prosperity Webcast Class — Session One

Article image Click here to view the photo slideshow from the Living the Spiritual Principles of Abundance and Prosperity webcast class.

I arrive around 6:15 p.m. on February 1st at the 2101 Wilshire building in Santa Monica where PTS (Peace Theological Seminary and College of Philosophy) is holding their first ever live webcast class. The class is about the spiritual principles of abundance and prosperity and co-creating with God. They got my attention with that topic. I’m in! Registration is a breeze. There is no cost for this very informative, and fun class, all you do is sign in. Such a deal!

I make my way up to the main ballroom and it is absolutely buzzing with excitement and the NOW Productions team is busy getting ready to go live on the Internet very shortly. I say my “hellos” and find a seat as we are about to start.

Dr. Paul Kaye and Leigh Briggin, CPA, take the stage to begin the class. Paul gets us started by welcoming everyone including the folks that are signed on in Hong Kong, Chile, Venezuela, and a number of other places. Next Paul calls us forward into the Light that we all may come into that oneness that is God in our hearts. The room fills with peace, loving, and lots of fun.

Paul introduces himself and Leigh and presents this evening’s highlights. The ballroom has a nice sized group, and we hear that there are 400 participants online taking this class with us. Well, who could resist.

Leigh speaks about the premise of what we want to manifest, the purpose of financial and spiritual wealth, how money affects us in different ways, and how we can best support ourselves in coming into a greater balance in that area. I’m all ears.

We hear an explanation and a bit of history on the ancient universal principle of tithing. This is a very interesting piece of information. It goes all the way back to Abraham in the Bible. We hear about joyful giving and the blessings of abundance through tithing (for more information about tithing go to We hear from Paul about placing God first in our lives. Hence, God is our partner. My experience is that co-creating with God creates miracles. I want to find out how to stay on track with that, and that’s what Leigh explains so well — how to track. Sounds like this class can not only get me on the train, but I can stay on it as long as I want if I can learn the principles being presented here tonight.

We do an exercise to look at those areas that have held us back from having what we want, and areas that have been overwhelming and or out of balance with regards to finances. The handout for that exercise is found online at under the February 1st class date. I was very excited to find out that I have been doing okay over the past month, and well on my way to getting clearer with finances in my life. Setting my intention in the first move to getting anything done.

We start the Q & A part of our webcast and some very interesting questions come from participants online as well as in the ballroom. The floor is open for sharing our experiences as well. Throughout the night we hear various quotes from the founder of PTS, John-Roger, and the Spiritual Director of PTS, John Morton. Go online to the archive of the event at and hear the quotes, they are worth it.

Of course no class is complete without homework. So we embark on four short assignments that can bring things into perspective, and be fun at the same time. Come and join us at 2101 Wilshire Blvd in Santa Monica on Tuesday, February 8 at 6:30 p.m. pacific time or online at We highly recommend that you watch and/or listen to the the archive of class session 1 online at in preparation for the second session of the class on February 8th. The handout and homework from class session 1 is online at under the February 1st class date. See you next week!

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