Our December 18, 2004 Christmas/Holiday Service project in Los Angeles was a great success.
During the week prior to the event, more than 1,500 toys and gifts were wrapped to hand out to the most fragile children we could find — those living in the Skid Row area of downtown Los Angeles. An additional 450 bags stuffed with t-shirts, socks, toiletries, Christmas candy, dried fruit, and other special gifts were prepared for the homeless men and women in the same area. Before the party began, a hardy team went out into the streets and distributed the bags to the homeless with great joy and loving. At the same time, another team transformed a dingy shelter into a beautiful Santa’s wonderland — inside and out. We were blessed with more than 100 volunteers to help put on this great event.
From the time the doors opened to the day’s end, we saw the faces of children changed from dazed, shocked and sad, to alive, happy and comfortable. Kids that usually go hungry stuffed themselves with food that never ran out (sloppy joes, chili, cookies) and filled their pockets and mouths with an endless supply of delicious candy. They rode ponies, jumped on a bouncer, tossed balls at the game booths for prizes, took photos with Santa, lined up for hot popcorn, had their faces held and painted, ran around freely (and in safety), and made Christmas ornaments to their heart’s content. Every child got at least 1 toy or gift, and sometimes 2 or 3!! More than 1,200 people came through the doors that day, as we also fed anyone who was hungry. No one who came to the gate was turned away.
Our heartfelt thanks go to all our fantastic volunteer teams, the donors of goods and money, those who held the vision for this day, and most of all to those who permitted us to serve them. We could not do this work without the caring support of all; and as we begin our 26th year of service, we hope those partnerships continue for years to come.
And, here’s an update from Cristina Legarreta about Heartfelt holiday projects in Chihuahua, M