
New Day Herald

1000 Ways to Happiness with John Morton at the Conscious Living Fair in Pasadena

Article image Click here to view a photo slideshow by David Sand from the “1000 Ways to Happiness” presentation with John Morton at the Conscious Living Expo in Pasadena,CA on April 21st, 2007.

John Morton has a unique ability to call forth Spirit and share it with those around him. He demonstrated that again recently at the Conscious Living Fair in Pasadena California on April 21st, 2007. This event proved to be a great opportunity for the Traveler to share the teachings with a wider audience.

The day was not without its challenges. The intrepid NOW productions crew only had access to the room where John was to speak for 15 minutes before the appointed time for John’s talk to begin. They rushed to set up all of their equipment and get it operating on time. Remarkably the NOW team pulled off another miracle of perfect timing and the audio visual component was ready to go.

The subject of John’s talk was “1000 Ways to Happiness” and he set about demonstrating how that is done. The presentation was designed to be interactive and everyone was encouraged to participate. Each participant was given of sheet of paper with quotes on happiness from John-Roger and John Morton. A video presentation captured the happiness of children. John encouraged us to share our own experiences with happiness as a microphone was passed around to those who raised their hands. John then introduced the concept of giving ourselves permission to hug and we went at it with abandon.

John received great audience response when he shared some things that make him happy. One of those was singing the tune “Zippity Do Dah.” We all broke out in joyous singing of a song remembered from childhood.

Then John did an amazing thing. He was going through a list of questions to consider about happiness. One of the questions was “Have you asked for the assistance of the Light for the highest good?” He stopped what he was doing then and there and called in the Light. It was powerful. Suddenly Spirit filled the room. Now that is happiness.

Then John began to share in the moment from his heart. He urged us to lay claim to who we are. “Are you willing to be happy? Do what it takes.” Then he added a new word to an old admonition “Use everything for your upliftment, learning, growth and happiness“. John’s final words (more of a blessing really) were “God bless you. May you all be happy.” Once again Spirit filled the room and we left not only knowing about happiness but experiencing it.

The next day I was back at the Conscious Living Fair to man the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA) booth. While I was standing in front of the booth I noticed a CD by John Morton entitled 1000 ways to Happiness and Healing on sale for $10.00. It was the same subject that he had just talked about. While I was still standing there wondering at the coincidence (well, it really wasn’t a coincidence, NOW had prepared the CD in advance from a Seminar on happiness that John Morton gave previously) an elderly man came up to the MSIA table and picked up one of those CD’s. He showed it to his wife who was also elderly and they both smiled. It made me happy to watch them reach out for the happiness of the Traveler.

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