
New Day Herald

How Can I Protect Myself from Others’ Negativity?

Article imageQuestion: How can I protect myself from others’ negativity so I don’t get sick and out of balance?

Answer: In our humanness, we all can feel the negativity and disturbance that other people carry or express. We can also feel the negativity that we ourselves carry and express. What’s important spiritually is knowing that none of it is our business. None of the negativity is what our lives are about. So we can let it go and realize that we’re the ones hanging on to the negativity. When you realize this, then the disturbance may not stay with you anymore.

We are all learning how to deal with negativity. So these kinds of experiences are teaching us. That’s the good news — the negativity is teaching us to be strong and more loving. It’s teaching us to be capable in our lives so we choose what’s on purpose for us, rather than allowing what doesn’t work or causes conflicts within us.

One of the most important things you can do, as soon as you can, is to call yourself forward into the Light of God. Bring your conscious awareness to the Light. The negativity will be cleared away because it cannot stay in the Light. In the presence of the Light, negativity cannot exist.

When you call yourself forward into the Light, you’re free. You’re protected. You’re in the field where there is no negativity. Negativity cannot make it. It does not have the strength. It can’t get in. So there’s absolute protection in the Light. By moving into a Light consciousness, you may also see the negativity more clearly and what it is teaching you.

In Fulfilling Your Spiritual Promise, John-Roger writes, “You must not look to other people and say,

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