
New Day Herald

A Sunday Afternoon of Music and Spiritual Family at Prana

Article imageWhen I was growing up, Sunday was family day — with dinner and charades and singing and dancing — where I was loved and accepted and protected and felt safe. Out-of-town relatives might be around, someone could be upset, someone else in need of a hug — someone left alone just to sit and be.

When I arrived at Prana (Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens) on Sunday, March 25th, I went to the pond at the meditation garden, a spot I love. There I met a beautiful boy named Jack and his dad Doug Miller, who at first thought he wanted to be alone to meditate, which is what I thought I wanted as well. But Spirit had other plans. I loved that we could “play” in the garden and commune with each other in nature — for me it’s the best connection with God. Later when Jennifer Miller (Jack’s mom) sang, her voice zapped Light through me that is still there today.

Sharing music was the theme of the day. I’d pay money to see/hear Nat Sharratt in a Country Western bar and especially loved his new song. Erik Albrecht, who said he wasn’t going to sing, gave us a beautiful surprise. I loved experiencing: Bob Tackney’s “Walk the Line,” Clara Jaramillo singing a Cuban song for Jsu Garcia’s grandmother, watching Rosa’s face light up while listening, and Milo — I love Milo! Someone commented that when he flubbed a line he let us know “I can’t remember the words” with a cheeky grin, and went on. The Hassetts were there — I heard Karen’s beautiful music, and James, his eyes aglow, was singing along with Jsu. It was pure joy and communion and we were able to share it. One brave person sang some original songs and I think, hope, broke some performing barrier after realizing that we truly enjoyed him.

At the “Living In Grace” Retreat, I was listening to my iPod. When the iPod went dead (even though I had charged it), I heard inside that I didn’t need it, I had the music inside me. That’s what I loved on Sunday at Prana — I was listening to that music inside of all of us, those who actually sang, or played an instrument, and those who didn’t do so verbally but they sang from their hearts. We heard it and felt loved and accepted and protected and safe.

Our prayers of “keep me where the Light is” were answered.” Prana, our home, became more than a building or shrine, lost some of that “museum” quality and became HOME for us who don’t physically live there. People who didn’t have smiles when they arrived, had them by the end of the day. Prana became that place where you see and hear God in the shape of a beautiful boy or someone flubbing a line or Jsu Garcia hamming it up, and loving it. We love Jsu and how his smile, his words, his voice and eyes send Light.

When I left Prana, I got into my car and Patty Griffin’s song “Heavenly Day” came on. I thanked the Lord because it totally expressed how my day at Prana had been.

For my spiritual family:
Natalie Merchant sang it best….

“You’ve been so kind and generous
I don’t know how you keep on giving
For your kindness I’m in debt to you
And I never could have come this far without you
So for everything you’ve done
I want to thank you
For your generosity
The love and the honesty
That you gave me
I want to thank you
Show my gratitude
My love and my respect for you
I want to thank you
I want to…
Thank you”

(Natalie Merchant / Indian Love Bride

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