
New Day Herald

Spain & Portugal Tour 2017 | The Way of the Traveler | Day 6


Córdoba, Sevilla | Spain

Love is in the Air! Spain continues to flirt with us as a budding romance blossoms with love. It is an early morning as we all gather in the hotel lobby to load our suitcases onto the truck and get ready for a day of travel and touring. We pick up the prepared breakfast bags and head for the bus. After a brief bus ride, we take the Ave train to Córdoba. Córdoba is about 2 hours from Madrid by train. We begin our walk through the city only to come upon a gentleman walking his Stallion down the street. As I walk up to the stunning horse he gently nuzzles my hand like a puppy looking for treats. The strength, beauty, and gentleness all woven into one.

Córdoba is located in the southern region of Andalusia. The entire city center is a UNESCO World Heritage Site with a long and diverse history. The city was founded under the name by the Romans in 169 B.C. We begin our tour at the Alcazar de Córdoba. This stunning fortified castle is expansive and has many rooms. In the lower floors of the castle are the bath areas that at the time were most likely luxurious and during the inquisition turned into torture chambers. As we walk through the rooms many of us begin chanting Ani-Hu. The sound vibrates through the bath caverns with so much loving. As we walk to the exterior gardens, they are full with beautiful pools, flowers, statues and water fountains. One can only imagine the beauty of this castle in its time.

Córdoba was the birthplace of the Traveler, Moshe Maimonides (Moses ben Maimon). On the square in front of the Córdoba Synagogue is a statue of Maimonides. As we all gather around the statue, our guide shares of the story that if we touch the statue we shall receive of the knowledge of Maimonides. John approaches the statue with Leigh and begins to share and plant a column of Light. It is a transcendent moment in time with the Travelers.

We continue our walkthrough Córdoba to El Alcázar de Los Reyes Cristianos (Alcazar of the Christian Kings) which is a palace/fortress located near the center of Córdoba, next to the Guadalquivir River. Along the river walk, one can see the shepherds’ with their sheep and sheepdogs walking along the dry river bed.

Alcázar was originally built by the Visigoths before the Arab invasion of Spain. In 1236 Córdoba was retaken by the Christian forces and King Alphonse XI started to build the present structure over the previous buildings in the Mudéjar (Moorish) style. One of the towers served as the first headquarters of the Inquisition during the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella and remained so for 300 years. At the Alcázar, Ferdinand and Isabella met Columbus before he set sail. During the Napoleonic invasion of Spain, the Alcázar served as a prison and a garrison.

We continue to walk through Córdoba which has a fairy tale look to it. The streets are cobblestone and brick. The architecture and colors used on the buildings are very charming. Next is lunch!

Out front of the restaurant is a line up of horse-drawn carriages all so picturesque and romantic.

The Mezquita Cathedral of Córdoba is a mosque and a church in the same location. The Moors built a mosque which took over 200 years to complete and when the Christians invaded Córdoba, they built their Cathedral right in the middle of the mosque. The presence and continuous usage of this church saved the mosque from demolition during the Inquisition era. The mosque is stunning and you can see why it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The construction of the Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba started as the church of St. Vincent. In the VIII century, after the Muslim conquest, the church was purchased by the Caliph to build a mosque that would rival those in the Arab world. The building is known for its columns of jasper, onyx, marble, and granite set to remind of the rows of palm trees in the oasis of Syria. The mosque also has a stunning gilded prayer niche or mihrab, to indicate the position of Mecca. Currently known as the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption, is one of the most celebrated works of Moorish architecture.

The old Roman Bridge is close to the Cathedral and is a grand sight as it houses a small shrine in the middle of the pass and a statue of Saint Raphael carved by 17th-century sculptor – Bernabe Gomez del Rio.

The day has been full of spirit, joy, and Travelers! The history and stories that are so alive here in Córdoba are well worth traveling across the world to see.

It is time to head to Sevilla and get rest for another day with the Christ, Spirit and the Traveler.

Love and Light Julie

Videos by Julie Lurie


Touring Photos by David Sand


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Here are two handouts from John-Roger on “Light Columns”
Click here | Planting Light Columns #1 by John-Roger
Click here | Planting Light Columns #2 by John-Roger

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2 thoughts on “Spain & Portugal Tour 2017 | The Way of the Traveler | Day 6”

  1. Thank You, Thank You, Thank HUUUUU!!! Woo HUUUUU + Huge ongoing Love n Light ahead fthgoac!!! What a Blessing 🙂 🙂 🙂

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