
New Day Herald

What Is Your Intention for the Blessings?
[with Video]


This article and blessing come from a Blessings Workshop John Morton facilitated in June 2001.

“I encourage you in your own way to come present in this moment. Take a moment to consider what you would be willing to do to bring about greater blessing.” – John Morton

John-Roger shared that God is intention. Have you considered that is true? That the one who is our creator of all of creation, that consciousness and friend of us, is intention? What would that have to do with us? Let’s explore. I invite you to consider your intention.

I encourage you in your own way to come present in this moment. Take a moment to consider what you would be willing to do to bring about greater blessing. Would you be willing to get out of your chair? Would you be willing to jump up and down?

You might ask, “You mean you’re going to make me jump up and down? What kind of God is this?” Is it like “Simon Says?” Remember that game? What if life is that simple? Simon says, then you do it, and all the blessings would take place. I think I’d be all right with that, instead of it being complicated and wondering if and when the blessings might appear.

Would you be willing to pay for the blessing? Because who knows, it might cost something, and you might have whatever it costs with you so that you could give it. Have you ever found that some blessings are the kind that work on installment plans?

I don’t even know if installment plans still exist, but there used to be this way that you could buy something on what was referred to as an installment or lay-away plan in which the item that was being purchased would be put in storage until it was paid in full. The buyer made some kind of deposit, also known as an installment, and then gradually made further payments until eventually when paid in full the buyer could collect the item.

I remember when I was a kid my parents bought bunk beds on some kind of a lay-away plan. My brother and I shared a bedroom, so one of us slept on the upper bunk and one of us on the lower bunk. When we were shopping, my parents couldn’t take the bunk beds home that night. So they made a deposit and put the beds on a lay-away plan.

It would have been a blessing to be able to pay in full up front and have the bunk beds right away. However, it also was a blessing to be able to secure the bunk beds until what was needed for ownership was paid in full. In my experience blessings – like love, joy, peace, wealth, happiness, caring, and sharing – work in installments. The really good news with blessings is that they work as much as we can receive right now.

Consider that one aspect of “we are not given anything we cannot handle” is related to our capacity to receive blessings. We limit the blessings we receive because our openness and willingness to receive greater good is limited by our negativity and judgments. There’s also greater blessing in the patience to accept and cooperate with the perfect timing and ways that blessings are delivered.

What do we have to do in order to partake and receive of the blessings? Perhaps we just need to be willing to receive the blessings in the way that serves greater good.

Have you ever noticed that you don’t always have a receptive open attitude toward things? It might look like resistance. It could look like, “No, I don’t want this.” It might look like a tantrum where you are beating the daylights out of the floor. Or you might say, “Oh yeah, well, I used to do that, but I transformed myself now so my tantrums are very sophisticated. Like I do them in emails, I get them in my keystrokes. I really pound those keys out when I’m putting somebody in their place.”

What if the nature of the way the blessings are working is that actually the blessings are always present? If they are already present, they are always present, and it’s our attitude that doesn’t allow them to be received and experienced as blessings of greater good. What if it’s simply an attunement process?

If I could give you a gift that maybe you don’t already have, it would be to realize that in order to fully experience all the blessings, every single one all the time, it is just a matter of attunement – your own attunement to the blessings. If you will allow yourself to be conscious and available to the blessings, they will in turn be conscious and available for you. And that’s all it is. It’s like tuning in a radio station.

Perhaps you’re wondering, “Well, how would I do that?” Do you have an idea about how you would maintain an attunement to the blessings, so it’s all the time? Spiritual exercise is exercising the spirit in attitude, choices and actions.

Spiritual exercises are an inner process that we do. That was a statement of faith and trust I just made. I’m making that claim for you, and that it does take place in Spirit because we can actually be in that truth. We do spiritual exercises in Spirit. If we allow ourselves to have our consciousness in the Spirit, then we have that attunement automatically. And when we have spiritual attunement, we also have an attunement to the blessings, which allows us to experience that life is good.

Have you ever had a moment when you looked upon life and you realized it’s all good? Not except for this or that, but entirely good. Have you ever had one of those moments in which whatever you could consider or look upon, the goodness was also apparent to you? You were experiencing the goodness. What I’d like to suggest to you is that that’s the truth of the goodness. It is fully present all the time when we are attuned to it. The naysayer might be saying, “But what about when life isn’t good? What about when there’s pain and suffering and not so good things happen, and people do things that aren’t so good?”

With attunement in the consciousness of the Spirit, yes, we become aware of the good and the divine in all things. Now we’re talking about degrees, that there are degrees of good. We happen to go for the highest good, the greatest good. That’s our intention. We claim it in the movement of spiritual inner awareness because it’s available. Greater good is present, so that we all are conscious creators who can choose the very best, the very highest good. It’s our choice if we make that our intention. We can choose the blessings that are always present as greater good.

I invite you to make that movement right now, however you do that; that it is your volition, it’s your choice inside to align with the blessings, to align with greater good. Not just some of the good or some of the blessings, but all of them, to align yourself completely with them. Would you be willing to consider greater good is a choice always available to you? If you can consider that blessings are always present, then consider that blessings are always available to choose. In order to choose blessings then you must look upon all people and things as good.

There’s the catch. That’s the one that catches me, and that’s the one I’ve observed catches most everyone else who gets caught. We allow ourselves to not consider someone or something as good. We consider less than good, as bad or evil. And that’s the catch. I’m talking about suffering. I’m talking about pain. I’m saying there’s goodness in everyone and everything.

Often we want to get rid of whatever is painful or difficult. What we can’t stop or change we feel is like a curse or something terrible or bad about us or life in the world. What if instead we consider maybe there’s a blessing present? If we can get tuned to the blessing present, then something else can go on that’s a greater blessing. If you’re wondering, “Well, why would we do this if something really terrible, bad and painful happened? Why would I want to focus on that and see this little tiny sliver of goodness in the negativity? Why would I want to look at the slightest good?” Because it opens the door.

If you were in a terrible dark place, wouldn’t you like to know where there’s a little pinprick of light? Think about it, if your interest is in the light. And you might find out, “You know, it’s a dark place, it’s a really dark place. But at least there’s that little pinprick of light, and it’s comforting to me. It’s more comforting than if it was just pitch black in here.” So we start there, and then we find out that attunement to the blessing opens us up to greater blessings.

I’m inviting you to consider there’s a blessing of love all around you even when fear is present. You could choose to be conscious and aware of the blessing of love while the fear is present. Now what does the blessing of love do for you? Love is the presence of God and all that is good.

Love is part of the attunement process to greater blessing. It isn’t about being worthy. It’s just simply all is blessed by the love of God.

You are blessed, you are loved, because you are divine. Just by looking at the blessing present, we find love. We are blessed and we are loved regardless of whether there is negativity present or not. Love is present regardless of the conditions.

Do you have a preference between dealing mostly with the fear or dealing mostly with the love and the blessings? You are declaring and you are claiming who you are, and you can claim it to the negative or the positive. You can claim it toward the denial or the rejection of yourself. You can claim because you are a creator. It’s the way the universe works. It’s been called what goes around comes around. What you sow, so you reap. The law of cause and effect. Karma.

What is your life to become? Make your choice. Do you want the fear, the difficulty, and the pain? Or do you want the blessing, the love? What’s it going to be?

Observe yourself. What are you choosing and affirming in your life? We could choose the love. We could choose forgiveness. We could choose the blessings. Or we could choose avoiding and denying the blessings. Do you have a preference?

To whom much is given, much is expected. So if you’re given greater blessings, there is something that goes with that, and that has to do with a blessed life. How do you conduct a blessed life? There is responsibility to choose the blessings.

So clearly it becomes a choice, a preference. By being more conscious, you can determine, “I’m choosing the blessings, yes, I’m choosing the blessings, yes.” There’s no need to apologize. There’s no reason to be ashamed about this or that. You can realize, “I stand for the blessings.”

We are not in the world to control the world. We are here to be blessed by choosing the Light and the love, the qualities of who we are spiritually.

We are of the Spirit; that is our true nature. And because of that truth, things are already taken care of. They are already good. It’s not a debate. We can debate it, but what does that do? It just creates an argument. It creates confusion. So let’s claim the blessings as much as we can. With God all the blessings are not just possible; they are fully available.

Blessing of Opening to Greater Blessings

Father, Mother, God we give thanks for Your blessings. We do fully claim whatever You bring to us for ourselves, for one another, for all of Your creation. That we can behold what is Your purpose and Your will being done. And we ask for greater blessings. We open ourselves up to the greatest blessings that are for our highest good to receive at this time. And as Your instruments of divine action, we do call this forward for ourselves in love and Light and joy, so we can behold ourselves in this world. That this is a world of peace and harmony. And wherever that needs to be restored in the hearts and consciousness of each one, in our relationships, in all the various dimensions and all the various cultures, let us see a vision right here and now that we can behold and know it is done.

Baruch Bashan.

Watch “Blessing All” with John Morton

NOTE: You may find of interest the following items that are available through the MSIA website store at two books by John: The Blessings Already Are and You Are the Blessings. A NEW Audio/Video package of ten blessings by John Morton titled “Blessings this Day” – with subtitles in both English and Spanish becomes available at MSIA’s Conference at the end of June, 2018, and then will be available online beginning July 2018. Product order # 8264-DVDES-SUB.

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