
New Day Herald

John Morton, Initiates Meeting of the Highest Good

Initiates Meeting of the Highest Good [with Photos]


Being held by the All is how I experienced the Initiates meeting. All of us together in our purpose fills me with great joy. There are no words to honestly describe the high vibration that runs through me as I suspect it does through you.

In past years I looked forward to all of us (1,000 or more strong) all in one room, all chanting Ani Hu. The volume and expansion of us all together moves me to tears of deep gratitude for the privilege and honor of getting to be an initiate of the sound current. Yesterday I had the same experience as more than 500 of us at 2101 Wilshire in the 4 different rooms began chanting together, joined by another 500 of us online. We were over 1,000 strong and it was palpable inside of me even if we were not all physically in one room.

I see the annual Ministers and Initiates meetings at Conference as an altar call. I remember over the years both John and J-R saying to get your body to these meetings at Conference, regardless. I heard it loud and clear back then and there is nothing I will allow to interfere. Thank God for live streaming so we can literally all be together, at the same time, on the same day no matter where we are on this level.

The holiness of Christmas Eve has always been the pinnacle day of the year for me. I realized that the Initiates meeting sits side-by-side as a sacred holy experience. Being lifted into Soul Transcendence and anchored more deeply in Soul is the gift I receive at the Initiates meeting. I am renewed in my dedication and devotion to go on. And, as J-R says at the end of the Luxor Meditation: “What choice do we have but to go on.” The annual Initiates meeting supports me to go on.

There are no words to describe the sanctity of my inner experience that is present at the Initiates meeting. I experience that sanctity in John Morton. Bless you, John, for holding us all to our highest level as Initiates of the Sound Current and the Traveler. You clearly radiate the living Christ in your Traveler-ship. We are blessed that Spirit chose you as our Traveler.

MSIA Initiates, click here to login and view the recording

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1 thought on “Initiates Meeting of the Highest Good [with Photos]”

  1. Heather Brown

    The initiates meeting was amaxing and wonderful. What a perfect article, by Martha Ringer. So true on all levels. I found Conference this year, to be life-changing for me. So grateful I got myself there. Blessings to us All.

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