
New Day Herald


Baruch Bashan


This article by John-Roger, DSS, was first published in Rod & Staff – Nov 1975

Baruch Bashan means that “the blessings already are”.  And it’s true; the blessings are already here.  It’s so very important to partake, as individuals, of the law of grace that God extends to everyone.  As you experience this power that God brings to you, you may feel it surround you and lift you, even though you can think of no reason for this to take place.  And at these times you’ll understand the concept behind the words “baruch bashan”.

Sometimes you’ll hear me end a seminar with “baruch bashan” or I use those words at the end of Discourses or at the end of a letter, but they don’t signify the end; they signify a beginning – an acknowledgement of God’s reality in our lives.  The movement of spiritual inner awareness goes on continually on the inner levels of consciousness.  You can have the experience of it anytime you turn your attention towards it.  And that’s part of the meaning of “baruch bashan”.

We are all multidimensional.  This means that our consciousnesses exist on many different levels simultaneously.  You know this.  You know that your physical body can be expressing, for example, the flu, and maybe your emotions aren’t too stable; but maybe you just thought of a great new idea for your job – so mentally you’re feeling pretty good.  And really, you know that the flu is a good action because it’s forcing you to get the rest and the sleep you need and giving you lots of time to think and plan ahead.  So these are all different levels.  And that’s one, out of infinite, possible combinations.  Maybe someday you wake up feeling really good physically – strong and healthy and full of energy – but you’re restless and just can’t seem to study for that exam.  You’re “up” physically but not so to together mentally.

One level that’s more subtle than the ones mentioned is the spiritual level.  We’re used to dealing with the body, the emotions, and the mind; those levels are obvious.  The spiritual is harder to discern, but it’s just as real.  In fact, it’s more real.  We know that the physical things decay and deteriorate and fall apart.  They’re material – they’re designed to drop away in time.  But the spiritual things are of Spirit.  They’re much more subtle, and they are designed to endure forever.

When you begin attuning yourself to the spiritual, you’ll discover that that level will become more and more clear to you.  As you turn your attention towards it, it will reveal itself to you.  Then you will become more and more aware of the reality of the spiritual and those qualities that are spiritual.  You’ll experience more joy.  You’ll give more love.  You’ll see God’s blessings all around you and know that you are loved by God.  You’ll recognize that your love is God’s love and your joy is God’s joy – and all you have to do is share God with everyone you meet.

Peace is from God.  When you begin to find the peace and harmony inside of you, you’ll start feeling that you are the Hu-man, the God man, and you’ll start to realize the multidimensional awareness of the physical is nothing compared to the multidimensional awareness of that beyond the physical, the invisible, the spiritual realms that are more real than anything here.

The physical levels (which include the imagination, the emotions, the mind, and the unconscious) are in a constant state of vibration and motion, so when we talk of God’s peace, we are not talking about these levels, because it will be difficult to bring a lasting peace to these levels.  But, when we talk of peace we mean the stillness that comes from bringing these levels together into a unified whole which is balanced.  And bringing those levels into a balance allows the peaceful quality of the spiritual level to flood down through all levels of consciousness.  You’ll feel the energy.  And you’ll know the peace it brings – a dynamic, flowing, joyful peace.  And you will know through every level of your beingness that, in truth, the blessings already are.

Baruch Bashan.

John-Roger, DSS

1 thought on “Baruch Bashan”

  1. Love this, never thought of it this way: “Baruch Bashan — they don’t signify the end, they signify a beginning, an acknowledgment of God’s reality in our lives”.

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