
New Day Herald

Heartfelt Reps Meeting at the Conference of Coming Home

Article imageOver twice as many Heartfelt and Heartreach Representatives showed up this year as last year for our wonderful Conference breakfast meeting totaling 45 attendees. Patti Rayner started off the morning by reading the inspiring blessing given by John Morton at last year’s meeting. She shared with us how serving through Heartfelt is not about the size of the project or the number of people that show up to serve. Heartfelt is about bringing the compassionately loving Heartfelt energy into any situation that needs it. We then watched a touching video of Heartfelt service in action. Before we heard from Reps around the world, we each received an audiotape of John Morton’s sharing at last year’s meeting along with a handbook for Heartreach Coordinators and a guidebook for holding Heartfelt service events in our communities.

We then heard from John Chike, Heartfelt Rep in Lagos, Nigeria, about Heartfelt projects serving abandoned children and survivors of the recent bomb blasts. John shared about how 80% of his country lives below poverty level so there is always a need for Heartfelt service. And while those serving often have little to give materially, the wealth of loving and joy they share with others is quite abundant. Fortunately, there are three Heartfelt Reps holding the focus in Nigeria. One of the Reps has even created a Heartfelt paraplegic soccer team!

Patti then told us about a hoped-for Heartfelt service project in conjunction with Wheels for Humanity to bring 250 wheelchairs to Nigeria. Many of the disabled crawl on the ground. The wheelchairs have been donated and what is still needed is $9,000 in shipping costs.

We heard from Christine Lynch, Heartfelt Rep in New York City, how Heartfelt energy was brought into many situations due to the events of September 11th including assisting firefighters, providing homes for displaced Heartfelt supporters, planting Light Columns and serving wherever and whenever the need presented itself. In Florida, Judy Jackson shared about collecting clothing and toys for unwed mothers.

From Philadelphia, Alice Fisher reminded us of the gift of Prayer Communion as a giving and receiving, from God to God.

From Santiago, Chile, Veronica Zarate shared of their projects of bringing hot breakfasts and friendly chats to homeless people. She also shared about their Heartfelt projects with children taken from their parents who just wanted to hug and hold hands with Heartfelt light bearers.

John Morton blessed us all by showing up and sharing with us that Heartfelt is about doing. That it does not matter how you serve through Heartfelt just that you do. And to look at what is working for you and where you are going. John shared that now more than ever Heartfelt energy is needed throughout the world and we are being called upon to respond. We have been chosen to do something to help find the blessings in these challenging times since the events of September 11th. John suggested that we make ourselves available to whatever is needed. And he reminded us that once we respond with our loving Heartfelt service, upliftment occurs.

With only a short time left, John offered to answer one question. But, feeling so full of the joy and togetherness that serving through Heartfelt brings, no one raised a hand. So, we all joined our hands as John gave a sweet blessing for our service.

For more information about the Heartfelt Foundation, visit their website at

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