
New Day Herald

How Can I Get More Free About My Sexual Expression?

Article imageQuestion: How can I get more free from patterns of behavior and thoughts of lust and sexual desires?

Answer: In his book, Sex, Spirit and You, John-Roger writes, “Sex is an experience that most everyone will be involved with one way or another. There can be favorable experiences and ones that are not so favorable. If you’re smart, you’ll move from those that are unfavorable to those that are uplifting, that give you fulfillment and a good feeling about yourself.”

When you are not at peace with your sexuality, that’s an area where you need to put the Light. And awareness is Light. So take some time to look at your sexual thoughts, desires, and involvements to be aware, to ask yourself what this is about for you and, also, not about for you.

If there are certain things about your sexual expression, thoughts and feelings that are difficult to love, if you are dealing with guilt, shame or fear about what other people would think or do, then you are confronting your judgments. Look at what your intention is with God. If your intention with God is to be in harmony, then start out in a place of forgiveness, because that’s how God starts out. Remember that when God created the human body and all the conditions involved that this was done with perfect design.

Out of God comes all things, including everything about sex. God loves it all. And with the loving is the forgiveness.

Each of us has a responsibility to take care of our self. Practically, we need to consider what is working and what is not working. However your sexuality works out for you, love yourself and whatever you do. You are not chained to a particular kind of expression. You are free in sexual expression as you are free in your entire expression.

Keep your intelligence about you so that you take a look at what you’re doing. Find out how it works for you. Remember, your body is your temple. So if certain sexual practices lead to disease in your body or dis-ease in your consciousness, you can take a look at what you’re doing or not doing.

Sexual expression is one of the most charged areas often with strong moralistic views about what is proper and improper. Regardless of what you work out as correct for you in your sexuality, always remember that God is a state of loving regardless. In loving we were created and born of God. In sexuality, as in all expressions, using what is most loving for all concerned will always lead to what is best overall.

In truth, our sexuality can be part of our worship of God when it is done with complete loving for all involved. It can be a very sacred expression. It can also be what is sacrificed for what is most sacred. When it’s not working and serving with love, you need to look very carefully at what is involved and find out if you are judging your expression and denying God’s love. If you are allowing your sexuality to express what is profane with the judging that often follows, you can still realize that who you are past your behaviors, thoughts and feelings is sacred. Become intimate first with your innate sacred nature that transcends what is between your legs or not.

What is allowing your sexual expression to be sacred or profane? God in the highest is sacred and in the lowest expression is profane and perverse. God invites us into the expression of the highest good. God in the highest expression walks in truth and love. That’s how God does sexuality — in truth and love as a free choice which may include abstaining from what is not serving the most sacred. Choose wisely.

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