
New Day Herald

Heaven On Earth Tour 2018 | Geneva, Switzerland | Day 1


“My job is to awaken the soul into the soul realm, so you can have heaven while you’re on earth.” John-Roger, DSS.


Geneva, Switzerland | Day 1 | September 15

Geneva, Switzerland is our first destination beginning the Heaven On Earth Tour 2018. For days, many folks have been sprinkling in to join us. Switzerland is one of the most beautiful places on earth! The country is home to glistening lakes, picturesque mountains and Alps! Tiny medieval towns, soaring peaks, and endless green fields.

Today is Day 1 of the tour and folks have spent the afternoon walking and taking a boat ride on Lake Geneva with Corrine Bayle, our lovely tour guide for the afternoon. Others are still arriving from their flights, a bit bleary-eyed but nevertheless with a gleam in their eyes and ready to travel with the Traveler.

The group meeting begins for everyone to gather together in communion with each other. John our Beloved Traveler calls us in the Light followed by a beautiful Ani-Hu Chant. As the energy permeates the room we all begin to relax into the Beloved. John shares and prepares us for our spiritual journey.

Following the group meeting we journey down the white hallway to a magnificent buffet of pasta, chicken, rice, vegetables, and a gorgeous spread of after dinner treats. John shares and blesses the trip. After a lovely dinner we all head out to explore the night life and some of us tuck ourselves in for the night preparing for the full day of travel ahead of us!

During the rest of the trip we invite you to follow along with us by viewing our daily blog, videos, and photos. We invite you to send the light to the Tour and to all involved.

Ways to participate with us is by Planting Light Columns wherever you are and Light up the World together.

The map below shows the dates and locations of travel for the Tour. If you’d like to participate and support the Light action around the planet, join us in visualizing a Light column each morning in the city that’s on the itinerary.

We Love You, God Bless You, See you tomorrow
In Loving Service,
Love and Light Julie


Touring Videos Day 1


Touring Photos by David Sand



Join Us in Planting Light Columns wherever you are and Light up the World together.

Participate in Planting Light columns with us. The map that shows the dates of where we will be on the tour for visualizing Light Columns.


1 thought on “Heaven On Earth Tour 2018 | Geneva, Switzerland | Day 1”

  1. Explanatory comments or captions would nicely add to at least some of the pictures. So I thought as I wondered, ‘That’s a nice looking Swiss mansion. Is it special in some way?” “Wassup with the mermaid?” “Why are people sharing in front of the screen? Was this some kind of workshop exercise?” It would also be nice to know what’s going on beyond planting light columns. Any special karmic thing being handled? I mean why ARE we there? Well, you can see I wonder about stuff, especially wonderful stuff! Much love to you all!

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